Pioneer Valley HS
November 16, 2017
Issue 62, Vol. 3
Get You Sweatshirt Now!!
Sports & Activities
Wednesday, November 15
FCA - lunch - Room 555
Club Salsa Caliente - Lunch - Room 603
PV Trailblazers Club - L:unch - Room 211
GSA - lunch - Room 214
Freshman Krispy Kreme money due by 3 pm
Thursday, November 16
Center Stage - lunch - Room 202
FCCLA - lunch - Room 5313
GLO Club - lunch - 551/552
Health and Wellness Club - lunch - Room 605
UNICEF Club - lunch - Room 214
Friday, November 17
Krispy Kreme delivery

Daily life of Delilah
Many people enjoy hanging out with their favorite pet. Whether it being cuddling up on the couch with a feline or playing some catch with a schnauzer, pets can bring love and affection not even another human can provide. However, there are more than just cats and dogs as pets. Some people enjoy the more unusual of pets: frogs, mice, snakes, unicorns, etc. I am one of those people. Here is my bearded dragon, Delilah in all her glory.
"When it comes to my downtime other than being an amazing reptilian friend, I enjoy long walks on the beach as well as the casual poetry readings from Tuesday to Sunday. My day consists of sleeping, eating, and the occasional warm bath. Many people may think that is all I do. They are right."
-Alexis Dagar

Thanksgiving Memories
-Lizette Ramirez & Selen Arechiga
It's almost that time of year where we spend time with our family members on Thanksgiving Day! We get to see family members we haven't seen for a while. Let's be honest, some of our family members are on the fun side and some are calm. But we can all agree that we make fun, amazing, and new experiences on Thanksgiving Day. So, we asked some of our fellow peers what are some memories they have on Thanksgiving Day.

"One of my best thanksgiving memories is playing football in the snow with my family. I really enjoyed that one year because I got to see snow and play in it as well. I also had the chance to be with far away family members that don't live in Santa Maria. " - Alex Velasco (11)
"My best Thanksgiving memory was when my aunt and I went to go pick up a turkey. Then all of a sudden one tire exploded in the line next to us. My aunt had swerved when she heard the loud noise and she had jumped. I think at that time I had no idea what to do since we were both scared." -Colin Bertram (10)

"My favorite Thanksgiving memory was when all of my family would get together and celebrate together. Now it's only some of my family and it's not really fun anymore. Thanksgiving was one of my favorite holidays, but now it's not as exciting as it used to be." -Alma (12)

"I think all of my Thanksgiving experiences are the best. I only say that because I enjoy being with my family. We should at least hang out with our families on holidays instead of being separated. What my family consist of is being loud and having fun." - Fatima Vaca (9)

"My favorite Thanksgiving memory is when I spent 3 days in Paso with my grandma and my family. The week was spent so well we did so many things. The last day we stayed there we woke up to leave and it started to rain. It was really foggy but I can say that was one of my all-time favorite Thanksgiving memory." - Italia Lua (11)
"My favorite Thanksgiving memory was last year when I went to Tennessee. I have family and relatives up there and we go every five years. This past year was special because I was going to meet my step family for the first time. It seemed like the longest trip I've ever taken but was also the greatest because the view and the scenery was jaw dropping. When I got there, it was pretty hot even though it was near winter. Thanksgiving over there is different then we have it here in Santa Maria. I thought we were going to have Tamales, asada, and other Mexican dishes but it turns out they didn’t even know what Tapatio was. The food we ate was strange. We had frog legs, bass, catfish, ribs, hush puppies, and turkey. Most of the food we ate was deep fried. Even though the food was different it was still delicious. The best part was finally meeting my dad's step sister for the first time. That was my favorite thanksgiving memory." -Karsyn Orin

"My favorite Thanksgiving memory was when my aunt came over and I gave my little cousin a cup and told her it was beer, but it was really apple juice. She started drinking it and my aunt got mad but then she realized it was just apple juice." -Teresita Porch (11)
Thanksgiving Eats!
-Selen Arechiga & Jackie Cruz
For many people Thanksgiving meals includes seasonal dishes such as roast turkey with stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. The holiday feast dates back to November 1621, when the newly arrived Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indians gathered at Plymouth for an autumn harvest celebration, an event regarded as America’s “first Thanksgiving.” What do you eat for Thanksgiving? Students share their favorite Thanksgiving foods.

"Normally for Thanksgiving I eat turkey with some stuffing on the side along with mashed potatoes, scalloped potatoes, and bread. I also drink Martinelli's. Then for desert pumpkin pie. My favorite would have to be the pumpkin pie." -Miguel Santos (11)
"For Thanksgiving we usually have mash potatoes with gravy. We have both chicken and turkey because we don’t like turkey as much. My family all brings a dish to aunt's house but, my mom is usually the one who cooks. My favorite food for Thanksgiving is mash potatoes with gravy and bread." -Cristal Mendoza (11)

"For Thanksgiving I'm going to have turkey, ham mash potatoes and, bread. We go to my grandparent's house first then we go to my aunt's house last. My grandparents do most of the cooking then for my aunts we all pitch in a dish. We have both turkey and chicken but both are good we eat a lot. -Aliva Valdez (11)

"For Thanksgiving I usually spend time with my family. We usually eat tamales, but my favorite dish would have to be ham. We usually go to my aunt's house and eat there but we have lots of good foods." -Alejandra Juarez (10)

"For Thanksgiving we eat ham, and we eat this thing called a Turkey Roulade which is this turkey breast that you cut and stuff it with stuffing and you roll it up and bake it. So, its like a turkey roll. We also eat yams, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and all sorts of pie. My favorite is stuffing. I can eat plates of stuffing with gravy all over it." -Mr. Marino
"For Thanksgiving we usually have something different every time. Sometimes it's like Christmas time where we eat Tamales and pozole. We never have turkey, we always have chicken. My mom always burns the turkey. We usually have a lot more desert than food. Everyone in the family cooks because were pretty much all girls, except for my brother but he cooks too. Everyone has to make something, sort of like a potluck. I usually bring desert, last year I did this weird foamy thing and it was really good." -Cattie Preciado (11)

"We are going to have the traditional Thanksgiving fare. We're going to have turkey, it's going to be stuffed. We are also having mash potatoes with gravy, cauliflower, cream corn, squash and my brother is going to make oysters. We are all going to get together at my mom's house. My mom does most of the cooking she is the best cook in town." -Mr. Karamitsos

"For Thanksgiving I usually eat turkey, ham, stuffing, veggies, corn, mashed potatoes, corn bread, and cranberry sauce. For desert we have pie and some ice-cream. My favorite is mashed potatoes and gravy. My mom usually cooks. It's usually my mom, my aunts, my grandma, like all the girl." -Savanah Arias (11)