Pioneer Valley HS
August 17, 2017
Issue 4, Vol. 3
The Panthers’ vacation came to an end which was a tragedy for all because they had to get up for school and come deal with the teachers again for 180 days. But the seniors came with enthusiasm because it's there last year in high school and they don’t have to deal with any more phone calls once they graduate. As for the teachers they probably had a hard time coming to school just to imagine that they have to deal with a certain student again because they were a total nightmare last year.
Summer Vaction Remembered
-Diana Valenzuela Garcia
Would you prefer to have a longer summer?
"I would prefer to have had a longer summer because I could've played with my dog a little longer and also I could've ate more food even though my mom said I was getting fat" -Carmen Garcia (9).

What did you do over the summer?
"Over the summer all I did was work for the two months we had off. There was not a single day that I went without working. I worked in the fields and it’s a job I do not recommend to anyone. Also over the summer I went to my cousin's house and played with their dogs which was pretty fun" -Jose Marin(11).
What was the best and horrible part of your summer vacation?
"The best part of my summer was that I got to sleep in everyday and be lazy at my house. Another best thing about my summer was that I got to eat as much junk food as I could. The horrible part of my summer was that I had to go to summer school and try to pass my math and english class which was a fail. But this year as a sophomore I will to try my best" -Juan Valenzuela (10).
As I was at Avila Beach, I took a couple pictures on my trip there! Not my best work but other people agree that these pictures are amazing. These pictures you're about to see, are pictures I took with my phone and my camera, I enjoy taking these kinds of pictures because the aesthetic of these sceneries are just incredible.

-Jose Perez

I enjoy taking sunset pictures like these. It lightens up my mood and it encourages me to take more pictures.
Now for the pictures I took with my phone, most of these are usually pictures of sunsets or like trees for example. I take these pictures mainly for the aesthetics, just amazes me when taking pictures like these.
This picture was taken from a moving car, I managed to take and the results shocked me.

Sophomore Rally Pics
-Jayda Sena