Pioneer Valley HS
August 16, 2017
Issue 3, Vol. 3
During this summer break, while we were relaxing from an exhausting school year, PV’s stadium got a makeover. New football field turf and track surface were installed. I visited the football field and the new track after school and it looks amazing. The field looks greener, however the paw is sadly gone. #THEPAWLIVESFOREVER. It was replaced with PV's initial logo. The track is so unique, the reason why they had to replace it is because there were holes and chunks of the track were torn because of the track spikes and the starting blocks. Now it has teal lines with the Track’s meter events marked. That is a big deal for the track runners.
PVHS Gets New Football Field and Track

-Daniel Rodriguez
"The turf was long overdue it's only meant to last 10 years and it's been out there for about 12 years. We're looking forward to playing on the new field and hopefully it'll cut down on the number of injuries.” -Mr. Lanthier

"I like the field because it has more of a softer texture. That way we are not falling hard on our arms as much as we would on the old field." - Josia Zuniga (Varsity Football, 11)
"The turf we replaced was original from when we first opened in 2004, and so we were ready for a replacement. The field was worn out and so there were a lot of injuries as a result. So originally when we opened the school, the field logo was a paw. We wanted to go for a more fearful look this time; we wanted to have "PV" with the Panther, but it was too difficult to create, so we decided on the "PV" instead. And originally, we did some teal lettering along on the track and some of the hatch marks are also our teal coloring, so we chose that as our additional axis as well." - Ms. Herrera
"I'm glad that the District did a great job on our football field. They’ve made it safer for the athletes; hopefully they won't get any more burns and it's not as hard. It's great for the track and field athletes too." - Coach Ruiz (Varsity Football)
"Honestly I think the new field is going to be great. It feels nice, looks good, and what I like about it most is that it feels like regular grass and it makes us play better, feel better, and perform better." - Ivan Zepeda (12, Varsity Football)
"The new football field is really nice and a lot softer than the old football field. The old one was like getting tackled on cement. What I like about the new field is that it looks nice and I like the new logo in the middle of the field. I didn’t really like the Paw that much, but the “PV” looks really nice." - Mr. Jeffres
Senior year is by far the most fun year of high school. Seniors practically own the school because they’ve been here for four years, and seniors are eager to start their adulthood, but they are also trying to make their senior year last. Seniors play a big role in representing our school, they are the people that we look up to for enything. We love our seniors!
Seniors Brace for Last Year

-Kylia Harrison

I am excited for my senior year, I have a lot to look forward too with student council. It's a bittersweet feeling; I am surely not ready to let everything go when I graduate, yet I can't wait to see what I can accomplish. My first year back was busy, I have to keep up with the rest of my ASB.
-Clarielisa Ocampo
I'm very excited for my senior year I can't wait to graduate with my awesome class. I'm having mixed emotions about this being my last year in high school after that we have to go face the real world. But I'm going to make the best out of this last year and go all out! My first week back to school was great! I love all my classes and I'm excited to be hanging out with a new group of friends. -Elisa “tulip” Cano
It was sort of a drag to get back to school, but I am most definitely excited for this year! Especially because it's my last year and I feel like these are going to be some of the most memorable times I spent in high school. -Emily Esparza
IM SO PUMPED FOR SENIOR YEAR! It's a bitter sweet feeling knowing that we're going to be leaving into the real world in 11 months and leaving all our childhood classmates behind, never really knowing if we'll really going to see them again. But all that aside my first week was amazing so far. I love all my teachers and I was so happy to see all my closest friends and catch up.
-Cesar Munoz
she is the sun,
dragged out
of sleep
to review a
rooster for
her waking.
a boutique of
"i never did
held by the stem,
inside of a pot,
filled with
soul dirt
and food
for thought.
-Zander Moreno
Freshman Rally Pics
-Mitzi Arlette Aldana Ruiz