Pioneer Valley HS
October 2, 2017
Issue 32, Vol. 3
Tues 3-Oct 3:30 V G Tennis @ SJHS
Tues 3-Oct 3:30 JV G Tennis vs SJHS
Tues 3-Oct 2:30 G Golf @ Cypress RIdge
Tues 3-Oct 4/5/6 G F/JV/V Vball vs M Prep
Tues 3-Oct 4:30 Wpolo @ Arroyo Grande
Thurs 5-Oct 4:00 FR Fball @ Lompoc
Thurs 5-Oct 4/5/6 G F/JV/V Vball @ SJHS
Thurs 5-Oct 2:00 Mini Tourney @ Black Lake
Thurs 5-Oct 3:30 G V Tennis vs Paso Robles
Thurs 5-Oct 3:30 G JV Tennis @ Paso Robles
Fri 6-Oct 4:00 JV Fball vs Lompoc
Fri 6-Oct 7:00 V Fball vs Lompoc
Fri-Sat Oct 6-7 2:30 Wpolo @ AG Tourney
Sat 7-Oct TBD PVHS JV GVBall Tourney
Sports & Activities
Monday, October 2
Key Club - lunch - library
Tuesday, October 3
PV Smash - Lunch - Room 611
BSU - lunch - Room 603
Health and Wellness Club - lunch - Room 605
Wednesday, October 4
FCA - lunch - Room 555
GLO Club - lunch - Room 551/552
Club Salsa Caliente - Lunch - Room 603
FBLA - Lunch - Room 431
Thursday, October 5
Center Stage - lunch - Room 202
FCCLA - lunch - Room 5313
Athletic teams rally - Lunch - Amphitheater
Friday, October 6
All School Rally - schedule is on the website
Ex-Freshman Share Their Regrets
What do you wish you knew when you were a freshmen?
"When I was a freshman, I wish I knew that your closest friends could end up being the fakest people in the world. Also, that every homework assignment counts, and it is true, every homework assignment really does count. So, do all your work." -Genesis Pantoja (11)
-Selen Arechiga and Jacklyn Cruz

"I wish I knew that if I didn’t pass my classes, I would have to retake them during the next years of high school. I also wish I knew that you should enjoy your freshmen year to the maximum. It’s the easiest year and you don’t have to worry about college and scholarships. High school goes by really fast." -Lesly Maldanado (12)

"I wish I knew that there are a lot of clubs and activities that the school has to offer and anyone can get involved and be part of something and feel close to the school. I also wish I got more involved, and now I regret it because I feel left out." -Jackie Villa (11)

"I wish I knew that my freshmen year actually counted toward college, and now I can't apply to Cal Poly because of my freshmen grades. It really does affect your future. I wish I would have known that when I was a freshman." -Kameron Ybarra (12)

"I feel like I should have done better freshman year. I thought it would just be like an easy year. I mean, it kind of was, but I wish I would have done better because now it's too late to go back and try harder." -Michael Labastida (11)
More New Teachers & Counselors
Do you have any hidden talents? What would your last meal consist of? What was the best part of your high school experience? What made you want to become a teacher?
"I can juggle a little bit… kind of. I know the first 35 digits of pi. I would have to go with maybe a 20-piece Chicken McNugget from McDonald’s with ranch. The ranch also has to be from McDonald’s and a classic Oreo McFlurry. Definitely 10th grade English with Mr. Feher was the best experience for me. No, I really liked that class. I did, but probably my experience with cross country and track and field, and the amount of AP classes. Just being involved. I’m proud of myself for doing multiple things. I like to see others succeed. I like to see others do well and knowing that something I did helped somebody improve makes me feel good about myself and makes me happy seeing others improve in general. I started out coaching track and field and then I realized that this age group, the high school age group, is fun." - Steven Youngblood, Cross Country coach (by Karen Gonzalez)

What interested you about English? Did any other major interest you except for English? How is your experience at PV? What was your most embarrassing moment in high school?
I was really interested in ELD classes, which is what I teach now. I also worked with Central American kids and helped them since they were slipping through the cracks. Yes, I was interested in International Relations which is where I got my masters in and Economics, but I chose to be a teacher later on. It has been really great! I love the kids, and the English department has been really nice. I just love the environment here. Well, I wrote this paper about the typical housewife role and it was very sarcastic and I had to present it in front of the whole class. It was pretty embarrassing but my teacher was really cool about it, and I ended up getting an A!" -Elana Leonard, English (by Asia Dacanay)

What made you want to be a counselor? Why did you want to work here at PV? Have you worked any other jobs that involved kids? What college did you go to and what did you major in? What's the best thing that's happened to you while working at PV? Have you ever wanted to work a different job at PV? If you could travel to any place for vacation where would you go?
"I always like to help people, once I kind of figured out that counseling was something that you can do and work at a school because that was another thing I wanted to do was work at a school. It all just fell in place. I started here at PV. I actually worked here from 2007-2010, but I graduated from Santa Maria High School. So, when a position opened up over there, I went back there because it was my alma mater. But, I was from here so I just wanted to come back to PV, because PV is awesome. I used to work with students who have autism before I started counseling. I worked for a non-profit. For my undergrad I went to UCSB and then majored in sociology and Chicano studies. Getting to meet all the students. It’s awesome to get to know you guys and seeing you through senior year. Just getting to see what you want to do in the future is awesome. And for students who are struggling, being able to connect them with that type of help. Nope, this is always what I wanted to do. Somewhere tropical, somewhere warm, where I can lay out on the beach. Maybe somewhere in Mexico or St. Thomas or Caribbean. As long as there's a beach." - Saira Diaz, Counselor (by Alisha Erb)
Girls' Volleyball Hosts RHS
-Alexis Dagar & Lauren Limon

Milinda Parra Memorial Tournament
Melinda Parra’s memorial tournament was hosted on Saturday September 30th for a 5-dollar admission that benefits the Walker/Parra memorial scholarship fund. During the ceremony, a bench in the memory of Melinda Parra was placed in front of the gym. Melinda's mother said, "I know that there's a lot of girls that Melinda helped coach that are now coming to school here and they're playing. Just remember what she taught you guys and keep it in your hearts, put it on the court, she not only did basketball but volleyball too, she loved the sport also. I want to thank all of you, her friends, keep her in your heart and also just live your life carefully. You have a big future ahead of you, don't rush things in life."
Pioneer Valleys Girls Varsity beat Orcutt Academy 46-20; Girls JV won 46-2

-Jacklyn Cruz