Pioneer Valley HS
October 31, 2017
Issue 52, Vol. 3
Thurs 2-Nov 4:00 Frosh Football vs RHS
Fri 3-Nov 4:00 JV Football @ RHS
Fri 3-Nov 7:00 V Football @ RHS
Sports & Activities
Tuesday, October 31
PV Smash - Lunch - Room 611
BSU - lunch - Room 603
Hallowmeme Day - dress up as your favorite meme - NO HALLOWEEN DRESS UP
Wednesday, November 1
FCA - lunch - Room 555
GLO Club - lunch - Room 551/552
Club Salsa Caliente - Lunch - Room 603
Old (11-12) vs. New (9-10) Day - 11-12 graders dress as senior citizens/9-10 graders dress as babies or toddlers - teachers - your choice~!
Thursday, November 2
Center Stage - lunch - Room 202
FCCLA - lunch - Room 5313
Health and Wellness Club - lunch - Room 605
Gold vs. Purple Day - dress in either gold or purple/NO "JINX" DAY!!!
Friday, November 3
Panther Pride Day
Panther Pride Rally at lunch in the amphitheater
School of Rock is opening for the public on November 3...performances will be November 3, 4, 9, 10, and 11, at 7 pm. General admission tickets are $15,
students/senior citizens are $8.
Saturday, November 4
All Club Barbecue - 11 am - 3 pm - cafeteria
Who Do You Look Up To?
"I look up to my older brother Angel, who is in the marines. He is really successful in life and knows how to lead us to the right thing no matter what the situation is."
-Ariana Hernandez (12)
-Savannah Garcia

"I look up to my dad, he always has time for me even when he is too tired to do anything. He works hard to put a roof over my head and put clothes on my back. Hes my dad but he is also one of my best friends. I love him with all my heart and I don’t know where id be without him"
-Julian De Leon (12)

"I look up to my coach because she has always taught me to do better in life." - Cidnee Cabriales (12)
"I look up to my dad because he had to work to get to where he is today. He grew up in a poor foster home and was forced to take a job at a young age. I hope I can be like my father someday, he is my inspiration." - Damon DeGues (12)
What Candy are You Hoping for this Halloween?
Jacklyn Cruz & Selen Arechiga
"My favorite candies are Kit Kats. It's just really delicious chocolate. My least favorite candy is Candy Corn, they're just so gross. They're too chewy and too sweet. I would never give out Candy Corn to trick-or-treaters" -Francisco (12).

"My favorite candies are Jolly Ranchers, because they last pretty long and they taste pretty good. My least favorite candy are fake cigarettes. I hate them because they taste like nothing and they're really expensive. They're just really dumb. I'm not giving out candy for Halloween, but if I was I would give out the little cigarettes because I hate little kids." -Teresita Porch (11)

"My favorite candy would have to be the Watermelon Sour Patch Kids, because I like the chewiness and the sweet flavor. My least favorite candies are Lemonheads because they're too sour. I'm not giving out candy for Halloween because I live in a Christian home." -Yareli Villa (11)

"My favorite candy is pelones. They're bomb, I like that they're spicy. My least favorite candies are Tootsie Rolls. I hate the taste of it. For Halloween I'm going to be giving Mexican candy" Diego Rodriguez (11)

"My favorite candies are lifesaver gummies, rings, peach rings, any other kind of rings, apple rings, like whatever. I enjoy gummies and I just love gummies. My least favorite candy is black licorice. It just doesn't taste good, it tastes like medicine. For Halloween I'll be giving out Snickers, chocolate stuff, and gummies." Juan Guzman (12)
"My favorite candies are Sour Patch kids. I like them because they're sweet and they're sour, and they're chewy. I like chewy candy, I'd rather chew on something than suck on a hard candy. My least favorite candy is cinnamon candy. I'm not a fan of cinnamon, I really don’t like it. I'm not giving out candy on Halloween, but if I was I would probably give out mini Snickers or something like that." Alisha Burg (11).

Game 6 Tonight!
-Mariah Arellano
Hey Panthers! The World Series is coming to an end and the Astros are leading the Dodgers 3-2. The last two games have been anxiety givers and have both gone into extra innings! Both teams have been playing to the best of their ability! Although the Dodgers have been struggling to hold their lead and come through with a win they are not ready to give up! Today is Game six at 5 on Fox 11. If the Dodgers come through tonight we will go into game 7 where both teams will battle out for the rings and the Title! Our Panthers are very excited for the game!

“First off I think the dodgers are going to win the world serious because they’re so dope! Like we will be losing out of nowhere and we just come back like what team does that? Umm Dodgers that’s who BLEED BLUE”
-Janessa Estrada (11)

“I predict that there’s going to be a Game 7 and that these games are going to be exciting and stressful as a Dodger fan. It’s going to be a close one but this is what the World Series is all about. Go Dodgers! #ThisTeam” - Vanessa Navarro (12)
“I believe game six is going to have a tough time beating the intensity and excitement of game 5” – Mrs. Smith
“I predict that the Dodgers are going to win because we are a GREAT team and all we do is hit dingers so the Astros can just hand us the title! # bleedblue -Esteban Cuties (12)