Pioneer Valley HS
November 1, 2017
Issue 53, Vol. 3
Thurs 2-Nov 4:00 Frosh Football vs RHS
Fri 3-Nov 4:00 JV Football @ RHS
Fri 3-Nov 7:00 V Football @ RHS
Sports & Activities
Wednesday, November 1
FCA - lunch - Room 555
GLO Club - lunch - Room 551/552
Club Salsa Caliente - Lunch - Room 603
Old (11-12) vs. New (9-10) Day - 11-12 graders dress as senior citizens/9-10 graders dress as babies or toddlers - teachers - your choice~!
Thursday, November 2
Center Stage - lunch - Room 202
FCCLA - lunch - Room 5313
Health and Wellness Club - lunch - Room 605
Gold vs. Purple Day - dress in either gold or purple/NO "JINX" DAY!!!
Friday, November 3
Panther Pride Day
Panther Pride Rally at lunch in the amphitheater
School of Rock is opening for the public on November 3...performances will be November 3, 4, 9, 10, and 11, at 7 pm. General admission tickets are $15,
students/senior citizens are $8.
Saturday, November 4
All Club Barbecue - 11 am - 3 pm - cafeteria

Texting vs Calling
“You look like a llama.” That’s what my phone sent to my friend when I wanted to tell her “you look like an angel.”
Texting can get you in trouble. Calling is a fast and reliable service that people need to take more advantage of.
Most teenagers text. In fact, the amount of texts per month more than doubled from 2008 to 2010, according to Forbes magazine. Even Selena Gomez told me, “we don't talk anymore.”
We are all barraged with vague, ambiguous texts. Who among us has never been texted a “K?” What does that even mean? Are they happy? Are they upset? Do they understand? Are they disappointed? Or have you ever gotten tangled in a long string of texts while trying to explain where something is? You might be waiting for someone to give you details that may seem clear in their head but which makes no sense to you. The solution is a simple phone call. As soon as I hear my mom pronounce the letter “K,” I instantly understand her tone. Uh, oh she’s mad. Directions can be explained and questions can be answered in a 15 second phone call.
Calls are also closer to the heart. Many people could show their friendship or their affection for each other through phone call. As for texting, you can’t do as much. The messages usually come out as emotionless, rather than actually saying it to them personally.
It may be claimed that texting is better than calling. When you meet someone new, a call might be awkward because you have nothing to talk about. However, if you really want to build an honest and healthy relationship, calling is better because we can get to know someone well by just hearing the sound of their voice. It could also be said that calls are annoying when you’re busy and texting is more efficient because you can shoot a text quickly and not need a reply immediately. But a single phone call could take mere seconds to convey any information you may need.
Sadly, phone calls are becoming extinct as texting gains ground. Yesterday I called up my friend, and told her over the phone,” You look like an angel,” and she understood. Maybe it’s time you called someone you love and tell them how much they mean to you.
-Asia Dacanay
What Movie Changed Your Perspective?
-Keydi Gracida and Stefanie Bribiesca
As you may have noticed, once you get into a movie/series, the way you view on life might have changed. For example, if you’re a person who loves horror movies but gets paranoid really easily you might end up thinking there’s scary clowns or ghosts after you. However, there’s also really good movies like mysteries or crime related that just makes you want to know more about the secrets of life and how everything works. A movie that changed my perspective on life was a show called Quantico. It taught me that sometimes the people who are closer to you are the ones that try to destroy you.
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“A movie that changed the way I viewed things is called Hacksaw Ridge. This movie is about a doctor who wanted to go to war but didn’t want to pick up a gun and kill. He wanted to go and save lives. It made me realize that faith is stronger than what you do. This movie has a lot of emotions. It’ll make you cry, laugh, and sad. Yes, I would recommend the movie to students who are 18 and older because it’s a true story.” -Mrs. Zarate

What’s a movie that changed your perspective on life?
Dead Poets Society is the movie that changed my perspective.
Did the movie have a big or small impact on your life?
Yes it had a big impact on my life.
Would you recommend the movie to anyone?
Yes I would recommend the movie.
Mrs. Maldonado
“Oh my goodness! I haven’t watched a movie in a long time but Lone Survivor would be the movie. It’s about war movie about these Navy Seals who are in a mission and who are also so united. They are fighting to keep each other alive and they talk about their families. You get a sense on how they put their lives at risk to keep our country safe. I think it’s a strong powerful movie which is based on a true story. It made me change the way I view things because it shows us how we shouldn’t take for granted our military and also how we don’t realize what they do for us. I would definitely recommend this movie!” Mrs. Arreguin

“Hmmm.. well I watch a lot of movies. Oh The Perks of being a Wallflower changed the way I viewed things because it shows that we should always be nice to others because we don’t know what people are going through. Although I already knew that, it emphasized it more. Yes I would recommend the movie to the type of people who are into 80s and 90s themes. I’ve watched the move like three times already because it’s that good!” Xareni Hernandez
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“A movie that I watched and changed my point of view on things is called Spirit. The movie is basically about an enslaved horse going free and well the movie is basically based on freedom. Then you know after watching it you start relating it to your life and how we are able to do many things because we’re free. I would rate this movie a 10/10! I would recommend the movie but I think it would be more for little kids, now that we’re all grown up I don’t think anyone would want to watch it, but I mean I’m a little kid at heart so why not.” Isai Uribe (12)
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FFA Halloween Rally & Meme Day
-Daniel Rodriguez

"We are trying to provide plenty of positive activities here on campus, with our organization while having agriculture as our model.
But overall, Pioneer is the place to be. So we want to provide a safe, happy place here. And hope everyone has a safe Halloween and that everyone enjoys the rally. It seems the energy was positive" -Mr. Guerra

"FFA is one of the largest clubs on campus, and we wanted to come out in front of all the kids on Halloween. Just to make our presence known and show that our club is really strong."
-Mr. Ponce
"Well we (FFA) wanted to promote our organization in a more positive way and be more exposed to the rest of the campus so we're just not on our own department. But to get exposure to other students to be willing to join this club and to see we're about fun and we're about leadership intentions as well. And trying to show you know that Pioneer Valley we have a strong voice here and we want them to see that." -Mr. Dickinson
"Well what I think made us hold a rally is that no one was really going to do a rally for Halloween so we kind of took a notice of it as well as being one of the bigger clubs on campus and not really being able to get ourselves out there. We didn't want to be seen as the underdogs anymore. We wanted to show the audience what FFA is really about and put on a good rally for the audience and have a good Halloween spirit out here." -Citlalli Puncheta (12)

FFA had a special rally for Halloween. This was a very special and fun rally where FFA made Class Competition even more intense. The freshmen went against the sophomores and the juniors against the seniors. Competitions included drinking cold Starbucks, toilet paper wrapping, and digging out pumpkins clean. After the competitions, the FFA gave out a special prize to the people who dressed up as their favorite Meme.
"So, basically we wanted to try this out because we have never done it before. And try out something new and something that we have talked about doing. But, we have never had a rally. So, to actually do it is pretty awesome. Because you know, we are expanding our limits and just getting out of our comfort zone" -Yadira Barrera (12)