Pioneer Valley HS
November 9, 2017
Issue 59, Vol. 3
Get You Sweatshirt Now!!
Sports & Activities
Thursday, November 9
Center Stage - lunch - Room 202
FCCLA - lunch - Room 5313
Health and Wellness Club - lunch - Room 605
School of Rock - PAC - 7 pm
Friday, November 10
School of Rock - PAC - 7 pm
Saturday, November 11
School of Rock - PAC - 7 pm

FFA Spotlight: DJ Claborn
Our own Pioneer Valley Chapter President had the opportunity to go out of state for a FFA convention. DJ tells us his experience by answering these questions... What states did you go to? Why did you go there? What did you learn from this experience? What was your favorite memory from this trip? How many FFA jackets do you have in total now?
I went to Indianapolis, Indiana as well as Washington DC. I went to represent California as a National FFA Delegate. There were 42 people selected of 156 applicants. I was 1 of 2 people from th South Coast Region (an area spanning from San Jose to Los Angeles). As a national delegate, we worked for 5 days to make the National FFA Organization even better than it already is. I had the opportunity to work with other delegates from all 50 states including Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Our decisions affected over 653,000 members. If divided up, each delegate from California represented over 1,600 Californians each. At the national level each delegate represented roughly 2,300 members nationally.
From this experience I was able to learn more about the inner workings of our student-run organization, as well as learn perspectives from FFA members around the United States.
By far my favorite memory was watching my very good friend Breanna Holbert get elected as the National FFA President!
Now I have 8 of them, but as far as different jackets, I have Pioneer Valley (Chapter), Santa Barbara Section, and South Coast Region jackets. Some of them I have multiple of, but they are a representation of the three of the five levels that I have served at so far. The higher levels are the State and National levels.

-Andrea Meza
Bullying Survey Results In:
-Diana Valenzuela Garcia
This week the PTs put up a survey about bullying 52% said yes, they have been bullied in the past 3 years 48% said no. 28% said yes, they have bullied someone in the past 3 years 72 said no. 42% said yes, they have witnessed bullying and done nothing about it, 58% said no.
After looking at the results many have been a victims to bullying, few have bullied someone but in reality, not many said the truth or they just didn’t answer that question; almost half witnessed bullying and did nothing about it. It's time to end this and speak up to stop bullying in schools. People have become accustomed to ignoring the problem and blaming the victim. They ignore mental health. People care about suicide but they don’t care about the steps it takes to get there they don’t focus on rehabilitating people with depression. People care more about a criminal stealing something from a store than a teenager leading to suicide. If someone spoke up and helped these teens out they would not want to kill themselves.
No one is perfect and everyone needs to see that. It doesn’t matter if they are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender everyone's a human and they need to be treated the same way. It doesn't matter their skin color, religion, the way they look, and the way they dress. We do live in judgmental society that constantly puts pressure on us to fit into the norm but that doesn't mean you have to buy into it and if you do then that's on you.
Fast Food Love
I think we can all agree that we love fast food. Fast food is an easy get and go. If you're on a road trip and don’t have time to stop and eat inside a restaurant you can just pass and grab your favorite fast food. Fast food began in the 1860's because Britain came out with the first fish and chips. Soon, in the United States was the first fast food place to have a drive-through in the 1950's. When fast food places barely came out the prices were cheap 5-10 cents. Now a meal is about 10-15 dollars depending were you eat at. I personally, enjoy eating at In-N-Out. There burgers and fries are freshly made and very cheap for a meal.
What's your favorite fast food place to eat at why? What's your least fast food to eat why? Do you recommend any fast food places other than the one you like?

-Lizette Ramirez Mendoza

I would have to say In-N-Out is my favorite because I like how they make the food and I epically like there secret sauce. I don’t have a least favorite but I could say Carl's Jr because there's better places to eat at. I would recommend Popeyes because if you love fried chicken like me it's pretty tasty and crunchy there. -Eddie (9)

I have to say Red Robin is my favorite fast food place because I love how they treat you and welcome you very nicely. I also enjoy their food and the fact that their fries are bottomless is great! My least favorite would have to be Carl's Jr because they sell better burgers other places. Other than Red Robin I would recommend In-N-Out because it's one of the best places to get your burgers and fries because they are well done and not soggy. -Erica Figueroa (10)
My favorite place to eat at is La Picosita because their food is so bomb. I will always give them a 10 out of 10. I also like how they assist you quickly and treat you welcomed. My least favorite is Arnie's because I personally, believe their food is just horrible. I would recommend blaze pizza because you get to choose your own toppings and get the pizza cooked how you want it. -Abby (11)
My favorite fast food place Is any type of pizza but especially Costco and little Caesars pizza. Even though many people say Costco pizza is greasy I think if you just use a napkin and take off the grease it will be good. Little Caesars pizza is good as well because you just go in and get it in a second and the great part is that it's only 5 dollars! I really don’t dislike any fast food restaurant. I think every restaurant is good in one way or another. -Carlos Ruelas (11)
My favorite fast place to eat at is Jim's burgers because they have delicious burgers and fries. I really don’t have a least fast food place to eat at because I enjoy eating and trying new stuff. I recommend Buffalo Wild wings since it's kind of new here in Santa Maria. Also, if you really like spicy, boneless wings, burgers, wraps, and sandwiches it’s a place to go to try new food. - Luis Corrales (11)