Pioneer Valley HS
August 15, 2017
Issue 2, Vol. 3
Our own PVHS Panther Sasha Brafman was chosen out of hundreds of other girls to be a part of the 2017 Jewish Olympics also known as the Maccabiah Games. In this year’s Maccabiah Games there were more than 10,000 athletes competing from over 80 countries. Sasha’s whole family decided to go to Israel and watch her compete on the Brazilian team. Sasha met the female Brazilian soccer team for the first time at the hotel where her team and other teams were staying. They had very little time to play together as a whole team so they did not get to create a bond that all teams need before their first game.
“My team was young and lacked experience at the international level, so the games were all pretty tough for us but we held some of the games pretty well.” Her team fought through five very difficult games such as the game against Sweden. The Sweden game was 0-0 for 85 minutes out of the 90 minutes in a soccer game and in the last five minutes Sweden sadly scored winning 1-0.
In between and after the five games she played, her team decided to do some team bonding. They went to Jerusalem, the Dead Sea, and Tel Aviv. Sasha also had her birthday in Israel and her whole team surprised her with a cake that said “Happy Birthday” in Hebrew. Though her team was not as successful as they would have liked, they still had many unforgettable experiences and created a bond so that hopefully in the next Maccabiah games they will be more mentally prepared.
“By the end of the trip I had a blast and would definitely do it again if I could.” “I made so many new friends and met so many amazing people that I cried when it was time to go home.” Sasha Brafman is a very talented athlete that is going to go many places with her athletic ability, so watch out for her name.
Sasha Joins Brazilian Soccer Team for Summer Games

-Charlotte Ionata
The whole female Brazilian team that played in in the 2017 Maccabiah Games (above).
Sasha and friend riding on a camel (left).
Sasha keeping the soccer ball from the defender on the other team (below).

Sasha And the whole Brazilian team at the Dead Sea (left)
Happy Birthday in Hebrew (right)
Senior year is finally arrived and most of us never thought the time would fly by so quickly. It feels like yesterday we had just started high school and in a blink of an eye we're on our last year of high school. Here’s 5 seniors and what they have to say about their first last day of high school.
Last First Day of High School

-Lauren Limon

“My last first day of high school was different this year because I joined link crew and I got to help out anyone who needed to find their classes. I missed seeing all of my friends and I know this year will be the best year because I know I will be more involved. Senior year is going to go by so fast, so I plan on making the best of it and be ready for my future. Class of 2018, this is our year!!” –Angelina Candelario
“My last first day of high school was a bitter-sweet moment. I was excited to go back. I was devastated that summer ended so soon; however, remembering the awesome activities that lie ahead of the year made up for it. Also, it was weird walking into Ag leadership that morning knowing that some of my friends graduated and are no longer in the class. Overall, it was a wonderful day that I will remember for a long time.” –Yadira Barrera
“My last first day was weird knowing that I’m a senior and next year I won’t be going back to high school is a weird thought for me. I had become so used to the school environment, and the thought leaving was something I expected, but I didn’t expect it to come this soon.” -Rene Ramirez
“My last first day of high school was a slap in the face. We must face reality and prepare ourselves for the future. I look around and see all the familiar faces I’ve seen for years, knowing that I’ll be the last time. It’s scary, intimidating, but also exciting.” -Juan Guzman
“I was anxious because this was my last first day of publicly required education. I know it is going to be a challenging year full of stressors and times where I am going to fail. Overall, it was an enjoyable day to start off our last step of high school.” -Scheyla Zarate
Spirit Days
Don't forget to dress up:
Tuesday - Freshman Superhero Day
Wednesday - Sophomore Neon Day
Thursday - Junior Camo Day
Friday - Senior Luau Day
This school year is rolling in as summer comes to a close. Many of us have come to the stark realization that school is now in session. However, there is a time to reminisce about the times we had during our prolonged vacation. No matter it being working hard to earn cash or just taking it easy by sleeping in, it is pleasant to look back at the good memories.
Although Riki Gonzalez, a junior here at PV, didn't do much, he had fun spending time with friends.
"What I mostly did [this summer] was go skating with my friends. I enjoyed that a lot. I met new people and a pro skater! I met the "Lizard King," a professional skater." On top of meeting new people, Riki had fun traveling to Las Vegas and up north to San Francisco. "I went to LV the last week of summer and it was hot! Over 125 degree weather! I also went to San Francisco and it was great. I skated a famous park and met some great guys who were awesome."
One thing that Riki was glad about this summer was seeing his sister, Clarissa, who came back from Oklahoma. "She is serving in the army. We had a lot of fun together with my family doing crazy and fun things each day." From going to an aquarium to going the beach, Riki had made a lot of memories this summer.
Riki's Amazing Summer
-Alexis Dagar