Pioneer Valley HS
August 23, 2017
Issue 8, Vol. 3
Panthers Safety is IMPORTANT!
-Diana Valenzuela Garcia
As many of us may know last school year there was a lot of students involved in accidents right after school. Panthers, we should know how to cross a street safely and avoid any dangers. Many of us have seen our amazing, wonderful, nice, and caring security guards out there helping all the students while the cars are pulling out of the stadium or the roundabout by Edwards. We as good people should follow the city rules and not cross in the middle of the street while the cars are coming to and from any direction.
Pioneer Valley has not been the only school that has had students run over. Articles about accidents at the other schools in our district are posted below. Let’s be safe and save Mrs. Herrera from having to make that horrible phone call that no parent would ever want to hear.
Click for the following related stories:

“Safety means the well-being of yourself and others. I think it’s sad and tragic that these students got run over. …Yes, students can be safer on campus than outside of campus. School should be a safe and comfortable place anyways.” –Emilio Madera (11)

“(Define safety) Making sure students and teachers don’t get hurt AND students & teachers are happy & aren’t fearful at school. …I think everyone needs to be more cautious. There are a lot of people coming & going from PV, so we all need to be extra alert. I think it’s everyone’s responsibility to be safe & cautious (students, teachers, & parents).” –Mrs. Bajwa (teacher).
“For me safety means looking both ways and using the crosswalk before crossing the street so you won’t get hurt. We can be safe by: looking both ways of the street, using the cross walk instead of taking the “shortcut”. …Yes, we do if the securities, the rangers, and the cross guards would stay longer.” –Litzey Dominguez (12)
"My summer was pretty extravagant! I went to Las Vegas and Mexico for the first time which was amazing! My summer was also really great, because I was able to be the only girl to scrimmage with the Varsity boys in basketball, so my summer was pretty amazing."
-Grace Ruiz (9)
Back to School

-Andrea Meza
"Over the summer I went to LA to go back to school shopping and I also went to a Dodgers game with my family. Before the first week of school, I participated in Link Crew and gave the incoming freshman a tour of the campus. It was a good summer and I had fun showing the freshman around." -Lylah Sherrod (12)

"The first week of school was pretty boring. My schedule was messed up and I had to wait in a long line to get my schedule fixed. But I eventually had my schedule changed and now I have the classes I want"
-Brittany (12)

"It was fun. The first day I got lost looking for my classes. I then realized some of my friends were in some of my classes. Now it's really fun and I'm meeting new people." -Hailie Cortez (9)

"My first day of school was exciting. I got to know where my classes were and met my new teachers. I got to hang out with my friends that I couldn't hang out with during the summer because I had football practice. I'm excited for the rest of my sophomore year. Class of 2020!!! " -Jose Meza (10)

Build Me a Fire

"Build me a fire"
They said.
"Tend it with my hollow bones
And kiss
The embers until
I feel warm again."
-Alexis Dagar
Thurs 24-Aug 4/5/6 G F/JV/V Vball @ Synez
Thurs 24-Aug 5:00 Frosh Football vs Nipomo
Fri 25-Aug 7:00 V Football @ Nipomo
Sports Schedule