Pioneer Valley HS
August 24, 2017
Issue 9, Vol. 3
Girls’ Frosh Volleyball, Humble but Hopeful
-Domonic Ponce & Keydi Gracida
This week we interviewed some of the girls Frosh Volleyball team on how they think their pre-season will be and what their game plan and strategy is for the season. This is what some of the girls had to say...

"Our game plan for this season is to stay humble and put in as much work as we can off the court. Our team is feeling very excited for this season to begin! Each of us is motivated to be the best we can be and support each other along the way. No matter if we win or lose, we're thankful to be on this team and will always keep our panther pride." -Mikayla Verdin (9).
"I think our season is going to be a great one! I feel like our skills will improve within the next couple of practices and with time we will come out with W's!! We just got to stay focused and have each other's back." -Rayleen Lopez (9).
"This season Is going to be a great one. Volleyball is a sport that is very competitive. Meeting new people is pretty cool and this is something this sport helps you with. Through the pre-season we will learned how to work together as a team and I am extremely excited for this season to come"
-Rachel Ramos (9).

"I feel this season will be amazing!! We have an amazing team already and I'm super excited to be working with these girls. Hoping that we will get many wins and learn more about this awesome sport. Working together to make each other better emotionally and physically. I will always love this sport no matter what."
-Juliana McDowell (9).
How do you think college can help you? What would you like to study or what would you like your career to be?
“I think college can help me and others by giving us the knowledge we need to become something that we want to do in life. I would like to go to the Air Force and study something in the medical field and maybe become a nurse or a pharmacist, because the medical field interests me a lot.”
-Jenesis Docanay
College is Just Around the Corner for Seniors

-Andrea Meza
Even though it’s the beginning of our senior year, some say college will come around sooner than you think, what are your thoughts on that?
“I’m excited to graduate and go to college. It seems a little scary and intimidating but I think it’ll be fun to learn more and find new experiences in college. I’m a little nervous and stressed out about applying for college and scholarships but I feel ready to graduate high school and continue on with life in college.”
-Lylah Sherrod (right)

The UC applications have recently opened; how do you feel about that? Do you plan to go to school farther away or do you want to stay close to home? “I feel rushed because I’m still in summer mode and I don’t want to start stressing out about colleges. I want to stay close to home to stay with family and friends, but I wouldn’t mind being a couple hours away.” -Coryn Nodal

Are you planning on applying to any colleges or universities? What are your thoughts on college?
“Yes, I am planning on going to college, but I will probably go to a trade school. My thoughts on college are that it is a great opportunity to put some worth to yourself, because that’s what it is. I think it does matter if you know what you want to do and even if you don’t find a subject that you would like to learn about.” -Juan Martinez

Do you plan to go to college after high school? What are your top school choices? What made that school at the top of your list?
“I want to go to Allan Hancock for two years and then transfer to UCLA to finish up my other two years to receive a bachelor's of science in nursing. The reason I want to transfer to UCLA after receiving my associates at Allan Hancock is because UCLA offers a great nursing program that will not only provide me an education in classrooms but in a clinical setting as well. The curriculum is rigorous and I would leave with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to respond to the healthcare needs of diverse population in any kind of setting. Future Neonatal Nurse Practitioner right here!” -Jeimy Gamez
Are you nervous for college? On August First, online UC applications opened up for applying. Many seniors have the plan to attend college after high school, whether it’s a four-year university or our local community college. Here are some of our senior’s comments on college and their plans after high school.
Thurs 24-Aug 4/5/6 G F/JV/V Vball @ Synez
Thurs 24-Aug 5:00 Frosh Football vs Nipomo
Fri 25-Aug 7:00 V Football @ Nipomo
Sports Schedule
If Summer was Only a Little Longer
-Stefanie Bribiesca
Many students over the summer like to take advantage of volunteer work, traveling, or taking a summer job. The first week of school might be one of the most dreadful weeks of school for some students. Here are a few students talking about what they did over the summer and how their first day of school went.

“During the summer, I went to Paul Nelson pool with my family, but most of the time I was home. The first week of school wasn’t great I almost walked into the wrong class.”
–Stephany Bribiesca (10)
”My summer was great! I got to earn a lot of money babysitting and I also went out all the time. My first week of school was a little rocky at first since my schedule was messed up, but now I like all my classes and I’m happy to finish my last year of high school.” –Daisy Bribiesca (12)
“My summer was great, I went to Six Flags like every other weekend with my family who came down from Colorado and Ohio. My first week of school was good, because I got to see my friends and hang out with them.”- Alivia Valdez (11)

“My summer was incredible because I went to many places and had the opportunity to meet new people. My first week of school was sort of lame like most first weeks of school because all my teachers would just talk a lot and classes were boring.”
–Teresa Gonzalez (11)