Pioneer Valley HS
August 25, 2017
Issue 10, Vol. 3
Freshman Set the Stage with Big Win Over Nipomo: 27-13
-Kylia Harrison

Panthers Weigh in on Trump/Neo-Nazis

-Alasaundra Silva
"We went to war and condemned Nazi's. Nazi's are bad people and anyone who associates themselves with Nazi's is bad too. Trump isn't going to help the cause. He's just going to go on some Twitter rant and back up his fellow racists."
-Alina Davila (12)

"It's 2017. Racism has no place in society. It's not that hard to understand." Nickolas Equihua (11)

"Nazi's need to go home. It's disgusting to think that ideology still exists. Trump needs to get his act together and start acting like a president but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon."
-Robert Zarate-Castillo (10)

"Nazi's in America is really bad but you should already know that. I think Trump has to really dial down on the issues and should be leading us not dividing us. But that's sort of his plan, right? To feed on people's fears and control the nation under fear. It's been done before and it never works out, so good luck with that. Not really, I don't wish him luck." -Daniel Geiger (12)
Ever since the Charlottesville incident occurred on August 12th where a white supremacist Neo- Nazi drove his car through a crowd of antifascist protesters, killing one woman and injuring 19 others, the tensions in the country have risen. It's 2017 and racism is alive, which is discouraging because as a society we'd like to think we've evolved. But the truth is we're still fighting the same fight. The color of your skin is still a defining trait in the eyes of strangers. Based on your skin color they can make judgements and tell you if your life is worth more or less. In my opinion, it is disgusting and disheartening, but it's the reality we face.
I feel Donald John Trump left the country even more divided when he said the blame of the violence in Charlottesville was on both sides. Implying that people protesting Neo-Nazis are just as guilty as Neo- Nazi's themselves. -Alasaundra Silva
For more information check out these CNN stories: Story 1 Story 2
Tonight 25-Aug 7:00 V Football @ Nipomo
Sports & Activities
Tie Die vs. Plaid (choose your favorite and dress it up!)
Workout Wednesday (no spandex without shorts, please)
Decade Day (choose your decade ANY decade)
Panther Pride Day (wear your favorite Panther attire)
The Beauty Corner
-Stefanie Bribiesca & Mitzi Aldana
Sometimes you’re just looking for a perfect makeup product without spending too much money on it. Lucky for you we found a few great quality products for a cheap price:

“I believe makeup is an expression that shows the beauty that already exists. I wear makeup basically every day, something that makes my makeup routine fun is doing eyeshadow. There’s always creative ways to do something different with your eyes. One of my favorite makeup products would be Airspun a translucent powder that is used for “baking” to help my makeup stay on longer.”-Jessica Gutierrez
“I love a bold brow, brows are a plus for me. I also love rosy cheeks and adding some purple highlighter. My favorite concealer is the fit me concealer by Maybelline and their fit me foundation is good too.”
-Allan Holguin

“My favorite makeup product is the CoverGirl Outlast foundation. The most difficult thing about makeup is matching the foundation to your skin. My advice to a makeup beginner is to start off natural.”- Jayda Sena

• Flower Pots by Flower Beauty • They come in four beautiful long lasting colors • Retail for $10 • These blushes are perfect if you like a complete matt finish • You can find this product at Walmart

• Prime and Fine multitalent Fixing Spray by Catrice • This spray sets the face and can also be used as a primer. • Retails for $7.99

• Milani Conceal + Perfect • This foundation + concealer is great if you are looking for a more full coverage foundation • It’s great for oily/combination skin • $8.99 at Target

• Flower Pots by Flower Beauty • They come in four beautiful long lasting colors • Retail for $10 • These blushes are perfect if you like a complete matt finish • You can find this product at Walmart

“For my foundation I use the Tarte foundation. I love to use the Modern Renaissance pallet for my eyes. Trying to look for a good mascara? Try the Better than Sex mascara by Too Faced! And don’t forget about the brows! I use the Anastacia Dip Brow Pomade.”
-Britany Rodriguez