Pioneer Valley HS
August 28, 2017
Issue 11, Vol. 3
Peppy Panthers Portray Pride in Rally
-Daniel Rodriguez

Pioneer Prevails Over Nipomo; 13-10
-Zander Moreno & Elizabeth Morales

29-Aug 3:30 G V Tennis vs SMHS
29-Aug 3:30 G JV Tennis @ SMHS
29-Aug 2:30 G Golf vs SMHS (Black Lake)
29-Aug 4/5/6 G F/JV/V Vball vs SMHS
30-Aug 3:30 G V Tennis vs Nipomo
30-Aug 3:30 G JV Tennis @ Nipomo
30-Aug 3:30 B Wpolo @ Cate
31-Aug 3:00 G V Tennis @ Lompoc
31-Aug 3:00 G JV Tennis vs Lompoc
31-Aug 4/5/6 G F/JV/V Vball @ M Bay
31-Aug 5:00 Frosh Fball vs San Marcos
1-Sep 4:00 JV Fball vs SLO
1-Sep 7:00 V Fball vs SLO
2-Sep 9:00 Xcountry at AG
Sports & Activities
Tie Die vs. Plaid (choose your favorite and dress it up!)
Workout Wednesday (no spandex without shorts, please)
Decade Day (choose your decade ANY decade)
Panther Pride Day (wear your favorite Panther attire)
Girls’ Varsity Volleyball Vs. SMHS Tomorrow
-David Penaloza
Tomorrow, Tuesday August 28th, our very own Pioneer Valley varsity volleyball team is going to play our cross-town rivals, Santa Maria High School. This is our girls’ first home game but, but they are not stressing it. I went around ask a couple girls how they feel about the season they are going to face this year.

"I think our season is going to be to different from others. We're a young team ,but our love and passion for the game creates an unbreakable bond that makes us family both on and off the court. My favorite part of the game is being on the court giving it all I got , and being on the side line cheering on my team." - Rebecca Escobar (10) (ig@rebeccaescobarr)
"Every single one of the girls in our team loves the sport with a strong passion and that drives us to be capable of playing as a team." She also says that her favorite part of the games is "getting to step on the court with pride to represent our school and to have the opportunity to play with the girls." -Hanna Locaste (11)

"My favorite part of the volleyball is succeeding with my teammates and doing all the fun stuff, like loud cheers. I am confident that we will do well this season because we have good team chemistry on and off the court. We are family and we work hard together. We have each other's backs." -Alisson Magni (11)