Pioneer Valley HS
August 29, 2017
Issue 12, Vol. 3
Quote of the Week
To me this quote signifies that you're already creating your future by what you do today. You should not wait and do it another time. You should not waste your time and you should make every moment count. By taking more chances in life you will have more opportunities coming your way.
"Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow" -Unknown

"It doesn't matter what's going to happen or what you're going to do tomorrow, it's all about that day not the next. Some people may understand it differently so it can encourage them in a different way from me. It might encourage them to live more in the moment. It can inspire people to make right choices because instead of doing useless unimportant things like drugs or being in gangs, it will make them think that they have to stop today and not tomorrow. I do agree with this yet it also is important to think about the future and consequences, but living in the moment is the best thing. It will help, because then I will do things right away with no doubts" –Diana (right) (9)
-Elizabeth Morales
"This quote means that the things you do today will tell you your future. This quote encourages others, because it causes them to think before they act. I do agree with this quote. This quote can help me throughout life, because it will make me think before I act and speak" -Nick Vasquez (10)

"I need to take on every opportunity I am handed and given, because I'll never know where it leads me in life. It can encourage others to make good choices in life by motivating them to never give up on their aspirations. I definitely agree with this quote. This quote can help me throughout life by motivating me to get out of my comfort zone and take risks" -Aneisia Dollinger (11)

"What you do today matters even if it's something small. For example, this quote can encourage others to make the right choices in life by doing one act of kindness to someone and can make their entire day, because you never really know what is happening in their life. Yes I do agree with this quote and I think this quote can help me through life" -Mayraa Bautista (12)
"This quote means to me to be all you can be today, because tomorrow is not promised. This quote can encourage others to make the right choices today, because tomorrow there may not be an opportunity to make. Yes, I agree with this quote. This quote can help me by always making the right decisions in life, because I learned in life that tomorrow is not promised" -Mathew Garcia (12)

"Every day you should base that day on your future. So far today, works towards what you want in life, or your future. Don't worry about tomorrow, because TODAY you have the ability to make a difference. This quote can encourage others to make the right choices in life by wanting and desiring their future. All they have to do is put their mind to it, make good choices, and today make a change. I definitely agree with this quote. Yes, this quote can help me throughout life, because it helps me make positive changes every day for my future" -Cidnee Cabriales (12)

29-Aug 3:30 G V Tennis vs SMHS
29-Aug 3:30 G JV Tennis @ SMHS
29-Aug 2:30 G Golf vs SMHS (Black Lake)
29-Aug 4/5/6 G F/JV/V Vball vs SMHS
30-Aug 3:30 G V Tennis vs Nipomo
30-Aug 3:30 G JV Tennis @ Nipomo
30-Aug 3:30 B Wpolo @ Cate
31-Aug 3:00 G V Tennis @ Lompoc
31-Aug 3:00 G JV Tennis vs Lompoc
31-Aug 4/5/6 G F/JV/V Vball @ M Bay
31-Aug 5:00 Frosh Fball vs San Marcos
1-Sep 4:00 JV Fball vs SLO
1-Sep 7:00 V Fball vs SLO
2-Sep 9:00 Xcountry at AG
Sports & Activities
Tie Die vs. Plaid (choose your favorite and dress it up!)
Workout Wednesday (no spandex without shorts, please)
Decade Day (choose your decade ANY decade)
Panther Pride Day (wear your favorite Panther attire)
Netflix Originals Review: Naked
-Charlotte Ionata
Naked a Netflix original movie starring Marlon Wayans, who plays Rob. Rob gets stuck in a time loop on the day of his wedding. The time loop is not his only problem the biggest problem is he keeps waking up in the same place, an elevator, with no clothes on and he has to get to his wedding in an hour or he wakes up in the elevator again.
Naked is a romance as Rob is trying to get to his weeding, but being naked and stuck in a time loop means it’s a little difficult to get to the weeding. Rob has to overcome multiple obstacles to try and get to attend his weeding. Rob has to show up to the weeding dressed properly or else his father in law will kick him out of the weeding. Naked I think has a great moral it shows people not to give up and keep trying no matter what is thrown your way because in the end it will all work out as long as you’re consistent. Naked also proves that not giving something your all and just giving 50 percent looks very immature. The movie is a very sappy movie, the outcome is predictable they get married it was not a big shocker. The surprise was who locked him in an elevator naked so he would not make it to his weeding.
Overall it was a very predictable movie I would give it a 6 out of 10. Though it does have a lot of themes to learn from it, it is very repetitive because he is stuck in a time loop and I don’t think the actors play their roles very well. There was not any moment where you are immersed in the movie it’s a movie that you could put on while you do chores and understand the whole thing even if you walk away for a couple minutes at a time.

“[I would do] everything that could risk my life because if something goes wrong, the loop would just start over.” - Jennie Flores (12; left)
“I would do everything possible: jump off a cliff, bungee jump, scuba dive, anything with jumping off in it.” - Elizabeth Flores (12; right)
What would you do if you were stuck in a time loop?
“I’d break my arm to see how it felt, overall I would just do crazy things without any safety equipment.” - Ivan Aguilar (10)

“I would punch different people. If I was at school, I would go on over to the intercom and I would start singing songs. I would also steal a car and run it into a pool.”
- Helen Guillen (11)
“If I was stuck in a time loop, I would do all the things I can’t do now like cliff jumping, steal a car and drive it around town, maybe even spray paint someone’s house just to see what would happen.” -Amya Yebra (9)

Water Polo Prepares for Water Wars
"My job is to make the team better. I can only get so much through them but I love coaching the team and hopefully all my hard work pays off. My goal is to win! I just want all the players to have the best time doing this. It is such a fun sport and I'm striving to get them to be stronger individuals than they are right now. If they work hard and stay focused they’ll do great and not have many challenges. I believe in not only the varsity team, but all teams from all sports as well" -Paul DePaulo (Coach)

"What motivates me to be in water polo are the coaches, friends, family and team players. I want to enjoy high school while it lasts and not to be that person that regrets not doing anything. My boy Larry Daniel motivates me and I motivate him to do better in water polo. My goals this season is to try my best, give it my all, help my team out and win some matches. I plan to achieve this by pushing myself at practice so I can be better. I try to eat healthy and get the most of what I eat to do good in practice. I would motivate people to join water polo by telling them how fun the trips we take can be and just overall the great experience and benefits of it"
"My family Motivates me to do better in water polo, even though they never tell me I need to do better. I always try to, because I want to make them proud. My older siblings inspire me too, because they did it when they were in high school. One of my goals this year is to receive MVP at the end of the season instead of Co-MVP like I did last year. I don’t have a special diet, but I usually eat bananas before a game to prevent cramps. I would motivate someone to join water polo only if they were really passionate about swimming. I would tell them that it’s a fun sport that keeps you in shape" -Candice Morales (12)

"My friends and coaches motivate me to do better in water polo. My friends Marcos and Eroz inspire and motivate me to do my best. My goal is to win many games this season and I plan to work and swim hard for it. I have motivated people to join water polo by telling them it's hard, but it's fun and it gets you in shape" -Larry Daniel
-Mitzi Aldana & Jayda Sena

"What motivates me to do better in water polo is to have a better season than last year and to have that moment where the team and I did really good to take that win! Someone that motivates me is Andrew Eisner, who played water polo for 4 years. My goal this season is to have more wins than last year. Yes, I have motivated people to join water polo by telling them how amazing and fun it is!" -Izaiah Salazar
"What motivates me is just drive to be the best I can be. I am my own inspiration to play. My goals would have to be get in the best shape possible. I stay in shape for the season by doing the keto diet! I think you can't really convince someone to join if they aren't really passionate about it, because the most likely won't stick to it" -Christopher Meza Solano(12)

"I think what earned me being in varsity is learning all the skills they teach us and practice them over and over again until I'm good at it. What I would do different this season to improve is try harder and be dedicated. Knowing that I try harder every time and that I'll be better than my opponent is what motivates me to do better in water polo. My opponent motivates me to be better than them so I push myself to do my best! My goals this season is to get better and win most games by practicing harder and harder" -Alejandro Lara