Pioneer Valley HS
August 30, 2017
Issue 13, Vol. 3
PV Volleyball Slams Saints X3
Article/ Varsity Pictures: Elizabeth Morales & David Penaloza
Frosh/Jv Pictures: Lauren Limon, Kyana Harrison

Tuesday Night, Pioneer Valley Girls’ Volleyball teams beat Santa Maria high school in their first home game. Freshman, JV and Varsity all won their matches. All three teams did a great job and they all worked well together as a team. The Varsity team went to four matches. The first set was 25-22(Pioneer). The second set was 26-24(Pioneer). The third set was 24-26(Santa Maria). The last set the panthers won it by 25-17. Good Job to all of our players and keep up the great work!

"We have lots of improving we can do. We haven't even started league yet and I'm excited to see how well the team is going to become. Yes, I was happy we won, but the way they played I think they could have played a lot better. Santa Maria is a scrappy team they always have been and they always will be, but I think we defeated ourselves in a lot of ways. I'm absolutely excited for this season, we have a good group of Juniors and I think that's really going to carry us. They are completive, the whole team just wants to get better. This is my fourth year coaching and out of all of my years this team doesn't have any drama and they work well together on and off the court" -Nikki Doyle (Coach)

"There is a lot of room to improve. There is no limit to volleyball skills. Since it is an intense sport and have a tough league we can't afford to miss practice at all. Every practice is a chance to improve. It is hard to get back into the rhythm when one doesn't attend every day. My biggest struggle is consistency. The thought of being the only senior on the team is scary. The pressure is really high up there. Ever since I was on the Frosh team there has always been at least six or more seniors. I would have never imagined I would make it this far! I want to do the best of my ability for my team. I am very appreciative for the group of sisters I have now. We work so well together! They are sweet, kind, supportive, persevering, and so on group of girls. I am excited for this season, I already see it coming not only from yesterday's turn out, but throughout the summer. Last week's scrimmage against Santa Maria wasn't the best we've played. We were having an off day, but yesterday proved that we can push through and compete till we win" -Brenda Linares (12)

"I feel like there is definitely plenty of room for improvement. I am happy with the outcome of the game. We didn't exactly make it easy on ourselves to get there, but we did what we had to do to get that outcome of the win. I am so excited for this season! I think I work very well with the team. This group of girls are really easy to get along with and are just a great group of teammates. My biggest struggle in volleyball is my mental ability to shake off my mistakes" -Sasha Brafman(11)
"There is always room for improvement no matter how good of a player you may be there and is always room to be better. In tonight's game I was so happy and proud of my team, pumping each other up and just starting to engage into the game, but also winning is always a great outcome. I think this season is going to be so much different from other seasons. We all work together as a team and not as individuals and after tonight's game I have high hopes for the rest of the season. And I think the biggest struggle in volleyball is yourself. It doesn't matter how good or bad the team you play may be, if you start to doubt yourself, it will show it in your playing. Our team is great at keeping confidence in each other, which makes us play that much better" -Morgan Krause (11)

"I feel that there is a lot of room for me to improve and become a better volleyball player. I was happy with the outcome of our game tonight. We struggled a bit, but we came out with the Win. I felt that we needed work in certain areas, but I'm glad we won. I am so excited for this season. I actually think that it's an honor to be a freshman and be on the varsity team and be with all of those girls. I feel that I actually do work well with our team, we have our troubles on the court but somehow, we manage to pull through and give it our all. My biggest struggle in volleyball I would have to say is blocking. I'm tall, but I would love to be able to block like Morgan and Alison" -Amaya Yebra (9)

30-Aug 3:30 G V Tennis vs Nipomo
30-Aug 3:30 G JV Tennis @ Nipomo
30-Aug 3:30 B Wpolo @ Cate
31-Aug 3:00 G V Tennis @ Lompoc
31-Aug 3:00 G JV Tennis vs Lompoc
31-Aug 4/5/6 G F/JV/V Vball @ M Bay
31-Aug 5:00 Frosh Fball vs San Marcos
1-Sep 4:00 JV Fball vs SLO
1-Sep 7:00 V Fball vs SLO
2-Sep 9:00 Xcountry at AG
Sports & Activities
Tie Die vs. Plaid (choose your favorite and dress it up!)
Workout Wednesday (no spandex without shorts, please)
Decade Day (choose your decade ANY decade)
Panther Pride Day (wear your favorite Panther attire)
PV Girls' Tennis Hosts SMHS
-Jose Perez

Tie Dye Day Dazzles but Plaid Prevails
-Jonathan Hedlund