Pioneer Valley HS
September 12, 2017
Issue 19, Vol. 3
12-Sep 4/5/6 G F/JV/V Vball vs SJHS
12-Sep 3:30 G V Tennis @ Paso Robles
12-Sep 3:30 G JV Tennis vs Paso Robles
12-Sep 4:30 B Wpolo vs SJHS
12-Sep 2:30 G Golf vs SJHS (Black Lake)
14-Sep 5:00 Frosh Fball @ Arroyo Grande
14-Sep 4/5/6 G F/JV/V Vball vs Paso Robles
14-Sep 3:30 G V Tennis vs SLO
14-Sep 3:30 G JV Tennis @ SLO
15-Sep 4:00 JV Fball vs Arroyo Grande
15-Sep 7:00 V Fball vs Arroyo Grande
16-Sep 9:00 B/G XC @ Lake Casitas
Sports & Activities
Tuesday, September 12
PV Smash at lunch in Room 611
Wednesday, September 13
No activities
Thursday, September 14
Freshman Class Officer Candidate meeting in Room 508 at lunch
Friday, September 15
Panther Pride Day - please wear your Panther attire
Panther Pride Rally at lunch in the amphitheater
Bred 13s Reviewed
I took a long adventure, to our local Footlocker store. I searched for the latest sneaker that was released over the week and I found the Jordan 13 Breds (black and red). In my opinion, it's one of the most comfortable sneakers I've ever worn. Apparently, Footlocker won't let me try on the actual pair, but just one shoe. If you are planning on getting the shoe and you want to get them at a pretty cheap price, our local Footlocker has them for $190. It is a pretty good price for a shoe like the Jordan 13's. Some of our panthers gave us their opinion on the sneakers and how they feel about the Jordan's.
"I like the 13s, because they look comfortable. But I don’t like how the red looks. I would rather wear the shoes without the red." -Chris Navarro (10, wearing his Adidas black/white Superstars)

"They're pretty clean to be honest. I think you can wear them with pants or shorts because of the versatile look they have, giving them a multi-dimensional look." -Josia Zuniga (11)
-Daniel Rodriguez

"I really like the 13's. They're really comfortable and I would get them. The reason why I would get them is because I like how they look and how they feel." -Nathan Villarreal (12, Wearing his Jordan 11 72-10)

"They're a very cool sneaker because Jordan is one of the best players of all time and his shoes are all customs. When it comes to wearing them on the court, I would probably not and the reason why is because of the creases." -Jayden Jones (10, Wearing his Jordan 12 Cool Grey)

"I think they are cool I like them. But I also think the Space Jams Jordan 11's are my all-time favorite Jordan's ever" - Mr. Bajwa

PV Freshmen Moving Forward with Lenovo Tablets
A trove of new tablets were given to Pioneer Valley High School freshmen in August 2017.
The freshmen received the Lenovo all-in-one devices which have Chrome and Office already pre-installed. The devices have a 360 degree hinge enabling it to be rotated flat like a tablet and were given out for the purpose of student education and technological experience.
“It allows me to do things out of class if I need to,” said Christina Sanchez, freshman.
Roughly 700 tablets were issued out during the students’ English class, where they worked to set them up over a span of four days.
Alina Davila, senior, hopes the tablet functions better than the ones seniors received their freshman year.
For the most part, tablets have been working well, despite their rocky setup. They will probably be used mostly in science and English classes, aiding in online activities and organization; but, they also provide a way for students to access the internet and escape from the stresses of school.
“My favorite feature,” said Angelique Zepeda, freshman, “is that you can download games and stuff on it.”
Students will be able to keep their devices throughout their four years of studying and have no need to purchase yearly insurance. Both the teachers and students look forward to the years of advanced learning in the technological age of Generation Z.
-Marika Whaley and Karen Gonzalez

Katrina Ocampo (9)
Wafiqa Farhana (9)
What are small, fluffy, cuddly, and adorable? Well a lot of things are such as kittens, bunnies, stuffed animals, etc., but the correct answer would be puppies. Yes, puppies. C'mon don't even deny it, you know it's true. It's hard not to fall in love with one when they have that playful, energetic, and friendly behavior. They're very entertaining to watch, you can give them anything to play with and they absolutely love it. Although they may be a handful and a huge responsibility, they're truly a blessing. After all, they are man’s best friend!
Puppy Tales
-Nallely Gonzalez
"I think that puppies are really adorable because they are really cuddly, they are fun to have around, and they are also great company."
-Selissa Rosas (11th)

"Puppies are such a wonderful blessing to us all, what did we do to deserve them? They're the cutest!"
-Sindy Figueroa (10th)
"I think they are really adorable and they seem to be very fun to play with. I never had a puppy before but I hope someday I will."
-Leslie Corona (11th)

"I think they're cute, and a great com-panion to have. Dogs in general are great to have because you won't feel alone, they are always by your side whenever." -Ruben Salcido (11th)
PVHS $200 Raffle Tonight!!!
PVHS has great school spirit especially when it comes to attending football games and supporting our football players, but there are many other sports teams on campus that could use a lot more support from fellow athletes and students so the Boosters have been holding raffles to win $100 at different sports games. These raffles are intended to encourage students to come and watch all the sports teams. To participate in the raffle all you need is a “Welcome to the Jungle” t-shirt which is sold at the game for two dollars and your ID card and once you buy a shirt you can just wear it to every game that there is a raffle. This raffle not only supports our sports on campus, but also helps raise money for the sports to get better equipment. Support from PVHS students means a lot to all of our athletes.
Tonight’s raffle will be at the girls' varsity volleyball game at 6pm. Since nobody claimed the first $100, Boosters will be giving away $200. The last raffle of the fall season will be at the homecoming varsity football game at 7pm. There are raffles every season so come help support your own PVHS panthers and participate in the raffle.
“I would buy a bunch of makeup with the money to post more makeup videos on my YouTube channel”
–Cesar Munoz (12)

“I’d probably waste the money on brand new pair of volleyball shoes.”
–Rebecca Escobar(10)
What would you do with the $200 if you won the raffle?
-Charlotte Ionata

“I'd invest the money into a business to try and double or even triple my money”
–Allan Vega (11)
“I would give $150 to my mom because she deserves the money and then buy a new pair of vans with the other $50” –Breanna Villalobos (9)

“I would go shopping at Victoria's Secret then go to Cozy Fox and do more shopping. With any leftover money, I would buy food” –Katharine Lara (12)