Pioneer Valley HS
September 14, 2017
Issue 20, Vol. 3
14-Sep 5:00 Frosh Fball @ Arroyo Grande
14-Sep 4/5/6 G F/JV/V Vball vs Paso Robles
14-Sep 3:30 G V Tennis vs SLO
14-Sep 3:30 G JV Tennis @ SLO
15-Sep 4:00 JV Fball vs Arroyo Grande
15-Sep 7:00 V Fball vs Arroyo Grande
16-Sep 9:00 B/G XC @ Lake Casitas
Sports & Activities
Thursday, September 14
Freshman Class Officer Candidate meeting in Room 508 at lunch
Friday, September 15
Panther Pride Day - please wear your Panther attire
Panther Pride Rally at lunch in the amphitheater

-Alexis Dagar
His whole wheat heart made my chest rise
As his toasty arms held me tight.
They weren't like wonder bread, no. Nothing like that.
His clothes smelled like the small bakery down the street.
Warm, Yeasty.
The croissant-shaped twinkle in his eyes made me feel as sweet as a fruit tart.
He is the best thing next to sliced bread.
Teacher Spotlight: Mr.Feher
How have you enjoyed your years here at Pioneer Valley?
"It's great teaching here at Pioneer Valley. I've been teaching here for about 10 years and I've taught at all the high schools here, Santa Maria and Righetti, and this is by far my most favorite place to teach. Great kids!"
How do you feel about your students this year?
"I like my students every year, pretty much. I'm teaching journalism, which is the first time I've taught that in, well, just three years. My AP class is really fun, they get all my jokes, and my sophomore class is good too."
Do you have any hobbies?
"Yeah, how'd you guess? I like to surf a lot, and I surfed literally all weekend. Friday after work until yesterday afternoon I was at the beach."
What made you want to teach?
"I think it's genetics. I didn’t want to teach for a long time, but I decided to teach after going to college. My mom's a teacher, a high school teacher, my dad was a college professor, my grandma was a teacher, my aunt is a teacher, my other aunt's a teacher, my uncle's a principle, like there's no way I could deny it. You know, it's like, in my blood."
-Selen Arechiga

#RealityHigh is a story about a senior in high school named Dani who is very nerdy and gets bullied by her ex best friend because she was jealous of Dani. Her ex best friend, Alexia, was dating Dani’s long-time crush but they break up and Dani and her crush Cameron hit it off but then Alexia gets jealous again and tries to become “friends” with Dani. Dani wants to fit in so she starts doing things she normally doesn’t do.
Overall #RealityHigh was a pretty good movie. The acting was very believable. All the actors and actresses seemed to enjoy all their roles. It was not like a typical high school movie. There were not any cliques in the high school like there is in every teenage drama movie. The story line was pretty sappy though there were a lot of cute moment throughout the movie. The whole moral of the movie was don’t change who you are for anybody especially if you aren’t happy with who you’ve become. The movie showed how important it is to surround yourself with the right people because if you don’t you can lose yourself and seriously damage what you are going to be doing for the rest of your life. I think they should have gotten rid of the parts where it shows Dani’s best friend having a crush on her because they never went anywhere with it and it didn’t really add anything to the movie so the scenes had no impact in the movie. I also thought they should have shown more of how Dani and Alexia’s friendship was before Alexia started to bully her. Overall, it was a very different twist on typical teenage high school movie. The girl got the guy because he actually genuinely liked her and what she believed in. I would give it an 8 out of 10 because it was a good movie but it was very sappy and a little predictable.
Netflix Original Review #RealityHigh
-Charlotte Ionata
“It’s really sad and I feel we should all just accept ourselves.”
–CC Placencia

“I feel like in society everyone feels like they need to change to be accepted and they really shouldn’t because everyone needs to love who they are because if everyone is fake then the world is fake.”
–Morgan Krause (11th)

“I think it's dumb. Always be yourself be a leader not a follower you don’t have to always fit in with people”
–Isaac Nunez (11)
“I don’t agree with changing yourself for people because people are individuals for a reason and if people all conformed to being the same then there would be no diversity and life can get boring without diversity.” –Andrea Nunez (10th)

“I feel like people should do what is best for them and whatever makes them happy” –Armando Tamayo (12th)
PV's JV & Frosh Strike Knights in 3rd Home Game
-Lauren Limon, Kyana Harrison & Savannah Garcia