Pioneer Valley HS
September 15, 2017
Issue 21, Vol. 3
15-Sep 4:00 JV Fball vs Arroyo Grande
15-Sep 7:00 V Fball vs Arroyo Grande
16-Sep 9:00 B/G XC @ Lake Casitas
Sports & Activities
Friday, September 15
Panther Pride Day - please wear your Panther attire
Panther Pride Rally at lunch in the amphitheater
Climate Change Survey Results in --- Next Survey: War with Korea??
This past Monday the PT’s ran a survey asking our readers if they felt that mankind was at fault for climate change. The results are in: 58% of respondents said “yes”, 27% said “no" and 15% said "uncertain."
I believe climate change is a real manmade problem. Whether you like to believe it or not, science is fact. Global warming is caused by the increase in carbon dioxide. Factories and cars produce this smog at alarming rates. Carbon dioxide levels in the air are at the highest they've been in 650,000 years. Sixteen of the 17 hottest years have been recorded since 2001. Science doesn't lie. Climate change is real and we the humans of Earth are at fault. -Alasaundra Silva

North Korea’s most recent threat to Japan, our ally, increases tensions further. Is war imminent?
Canelo vs. GGG
This weekend will be what it seems like the most talked about event of this year. This weekend Santos Saúl Álvarez Barragán (Canelo) and Gennady Gennadyevich Golovkin (GGG) will be fighting in The Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada at the T-mobile arena at 3:00 pm. Make sure you watch this action pact event on paper view!
-Domonic Ponce

Canelo Alvarez was born July 18, 1990 in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. He is 27 and 5'9, his reach is 70 1⁄2 inches. He is a three-time world champion in the middle weight class and light weight class. He has 49 wins, 34 wins by K/O, 1 loss, and 1 draw.
GGG was born April 8, 1982 in Karaganda, Kazakh SSR,
Soviet Union. He is 35 and 5'10, his reach is 70 inches. He is a WBA (regular) champion in the middle weight class. He has 37 wins, 33 wins by K/O and 0 losses.

"In my opinion I think Canelo will win because he seems like a better boxer and he has been boxing ever since he was small. I will be watching the fight at my house. My thoughts on Canelo is that he is an underdog in this fight. I feel like he has been underestimated constantly ever since he lost to Floyd Mayweather. My thoughts on GGG is I think he is a good boxer, because he hasn't had any loses." - Jacob Meza (11)

"GGG will win in my opinion because his name sounds exciting. Most likely I will be watching this fight because I don't have my phone and nothing else to do. My thoughts on Canelo is that I think he's HOT. I also think he will win because he has a lot of experience in the boxing ring. And as my thoughts for GGG is he has a really big ego, so let's see if that comes in handy." - Jade Enriquez (11)
"I think GGG will win because I have a feeling he will. I'll be watching the fight at my house with all my family. My thoughts on Canelo is that he is a great fighter but ever since he lost to Mayweather, my hopes for him have disappeared. My thoughts on GGG is that since he hasn't lost to anyone yet so, I'm pretty sure he'll take the cake for this match." - Nallely Molina (11)

"GGG is going to win because he is undefeated and I think he will keep that title. But at the same time, I am rooting for Canelo because he's HOT. I will be watching this fight at my Tio's house. My thoughts on Canelo is that he is determined because he doesn't give up and he takes challenges head on. My thoughts on GGG is because since he is German he is strong and big. And Germans are naturally big, strong, and fast." - Evelyn Guzman (11)

"I hope Canelo wins this fight. I'll be watching the fight probably with my friends. I think Canelo has improved a lot. He's a greatly skilled fighter and I think he's got what it takes to win this boxing match. GGG hasn't lost one fight, he's won most of his fights be knockout and he will be a challenge for Canelo"
-Kevin Torres (12)
There have been conspiracy theories of life on Mars for years. Ever since photos of Mars were taken from the Viking orbiter in 1976, the answer to the question of if there was life on Mars seems to be, yes. Photos depicting an enormous face staring up from the surface proved to be eerie. The pictures also include a sphinx and a 5-sided pyramid. When Zecharia Sitchin released findings of tablets in what used to be Sumeria, Sitchin describes the writings telling of the Anunnaki, a superior alien race that came down and taught the Sumerians new technology. Many speculate that the formations on Mars surface were built by the Anunnaki which also opened up the idea that the great pyramids were built by aliens using humans as slave workers. This issue, I interviewed people on if they thought aliens were real and if they believed there was really life on mars and this is what they had to say:
Life on Mars?
-Domonic Ponce
"I believe there are aliens because you never know what is in the galaxy and people haven't gone to different planets to actually observe the atmosphere. I don't believe there is life on Mars because people have gone to mars and we already know what is on mars." - Jacky Trevino (11)

"I don't believe there are aliens because I don't really think about that kind of stuff and it seems a little sketchy and make believe. I don’t think there is life on mars but there could be a possibility."
-Selena Mendez (11)

“I don’t agree with changing yourself for people because people are individuals for a reason and if people all conformed to being the same then there would be no diversity and life can get boring without diversity.” –Andrea Nunez (10th)

"I really believe there are aliens because we can't be the only ones in the universe. There has to some type of alien life form. I don't believe there is life on Mars because it seems like it is too dry for anything to grow."
-Abby Pracido (11)

"To be real, I don't think there are any aliens. All the "aliens" people say are real, it's all just one big lie. It's just people in costumes. With the technology we have, it's easy to photoshop and take cuts out of videos to make them look real. I really don't believe there are any form of life in Mars." - Robert Diaz (11)
Cheerleaders Rock!
-Kylia Harrison
Cheerleaders are the people who give the school spirit and try to entertain everyone with dances, chants, jumps and kicks. Our varsity cheerleaders this year are working really hard to try to make this school year’s events and games the best they can be! Every home game is a new halftime so make sure you all come out and cheer them on.
“I am very excited for my first year of cheer as a Panther! I'm excited to show the other schools what we're made of! I believe my team is always ready, but the more we practice the better we become! SM isn't ready for us I can tell you that! This year is going to be different because I'm a part of a new school and a new team and I couldn't be any happier about it! I'm ready for what this year has for me!” -Angelina Reynoso (11)

“It feels good being a PV cheerleader again. I'm excited to cheer on the football players on Friday nights. Yes, I feel like we're ready for the SM game. I'm super excited to perform our halftime routine and show everyone what we have been working on. I feel like this year's going to be different because we have a new cheer family and we all have been getting super close and are all able to work good together.” -Nicole Alcantar (12)

"This year I'm super excited for cheer because there's so much more diversity on the team then there usually is. There are so many new girls that it is challenging to get them up to speed. But in its own, it's also beneficial because they have so many ideas and things they want to try out that I've never really thought about. And I probably wouldn't have ever thought about that if they wouldn't have been on the team this year. In the past years we've kind of done a lot of the same things and really just done what we wanted. Although we tried to take in the student bodies suggestions it was always hard to please the crowd. But this year I want to engage the crowd and students in what we do, and make our routines more exciting to watch. There are still things we can work on, but progress has definitely been made already! Being given the opportunity to be captain this year has been great. I've been doing cheer since 8th grade, and I've seen what makes teams work and what tears them apart. All I want to do this year is make the best out of this particular varsity team. We already have a routine made for next week's game against SM, so now it's just a matter of learning it and perfecting it! By the time next Friday rolls around we'll be BEYOND ready for the game!" -Ashley Guteriez (12)
"I'm very excited to be a PV Varsity cheerleader. The team is ready to dominate SMHS and show them who's the boss. One thing that is different this year is the girls are really close and we spend a lot of our time together at practice and out of practice" -Eldanabi Delgado (11)