Pioneer Valley HS
September 20, 2017
Issue 24, Vol. 3
Thurs 21-Sep 4:00 FR Fball @ Dos Pueblos
Thurs 21-Sep 3:30 G V Tennis vs Atascadero
Thurs 21-Sep 3:30 G JV Tennis @ Atascadero
Thurs 21-Sep 4/5/6 F/JV/V/ Vball @ Arroyo Grande
Thurs 21-Sep 2:30 G Golf @ Dairy Creek
Fri 22-Sep 4:00 JV Football vs SMHS
Fri 22-Sep 7:00 V Football vs SMHS
Fri-Sat Sept 22-23 TBA B Wpolo @ RHS Novice Tourney
Sat 23-Sep 9:00 Xcountry @ Atascadero
Sports & Activities
Wednesday, September 20
What Not to Wear Wednesday - Fashion Faux Pas
FCA - Lunch - Room 555
GLO Club - lunch - Room 614
Thursday, September 21
Athletes vs Mathletes - High School Musical Edition
UNICEF Club - lunch - Room 214
Club Salsa Caliente - Lunch - Room 603
Friday, September 22
Panther Pride Day
Panther Rally at lunch
Freshman Class President voting - at lunch in the amphitheater
We all know it's that time of year where we become rivals with one another, our closes friends, even family members. Yes, it's time for the Santa Maria vs Pioneer Valley football game! I'm sure you are all excited for this. This year's Varsity football game will be held on September 22 at Pioneer Valley High school at 7:00 and Junior Varsity at 5:00, free with student ID. Please remember that this game will be a BLACKOUT, and don't forget about the rally at lunch. Let's all show our support by attending the game and cheering on our football players! Last year we won both Junior Varsity and Varsity. Let's hope we take the win this year again.
Panthers VS Saints Friday!
-Lizette Ramirez
What are you looking forward in this year's football game? Who do you think will take the Win, Santa Maria or Pioneer Valley?
"I am looking forward to the spirit and energy students are going to have at the game. I think Santa Maria might win only because the football coach is very intense with them. I only know that because I attended Santa Maria high and everyone would talk about how the coach was very hard on them." -Nelly Ramos (11)

Are you excited, nervous, scared and, ect. to play Santa Maria high this Friday night September 22? Do you feel confident that Pv's football team will win?
"Yes, I am excited even though Santa Maria does not have a freshman football team, I'm hoping some of us can play for JV. Yes, very confident that both JV and Varsity will win. I'm confident because we practice hard every day which makes us even better." -Devan Santana (9)
How do you feel that this year is your first SM vs PV football game? Are you planning to attend this game, if so with who?
"I'm very excited for this game especially since it's my first football game I'm going to. I'm hoping that all teams we'll try their best and get that win. Yes, I am attending both JV and Varsity's game with a group of friends." -Azucena Orozco (9; left)
"I think it would be a really cool experience because it's two of the top high schools in Santa Maria and both teams are really good at playing football. No, I am not attending neither game sadly but I hope we win." -Amber Bareno (9; right)

Are you excited, nervous, scared and ect. that your part of the actual football game? Do you feel confidents that PV's football team will take the win against SM this Friday?
"Yes, I am excited because of how our team looks this season and Santa Maria's as well. It looks like it's going to be a good game. Like everyone says you're always supposed to have faith with your team and that’s how I am right now with my team, my family and brothers." -Edgar Zacarias (11)

Are you excited for the SM vs PV game? Do you have any close friends or family members that attend Santa Maria if so are you looking forward for some hate towards each other?
"Yes, I am excited because my brother Cesar Munoz is a cheerleader and I'm excited to see him perform on that night. Yes, I do have close friends that attend Santa Maria high, but no were not going to have hate towards each other even though we go to different schools we'll still be friends." -Leslie Munoz (10)

How do you feel that this is your last year's SM vs PV football game? Are you planning to go all out with your spirit at the game?
"I'm very excited and pumped for it. I love watching my boyfriend play and being with my school at the games. I'm looking forward for fun and newer experiences. Yes, I am planning to go all out especially since it's my last year at Pioneer." -Lupita Franco (12)
Panthers Prepare for Battle
-David Penaloza
Band Prepares for Washington D.C
Our very own "Fantastic" band is extremely honored to have been nominated by Mayor Alice Patino to not only represent Pioneer Valley High School but Santa Maria and California as well in a national parade in Washington D.C.!! These Panthers will be going to Washington D.C during May, but in order to get there they have organized some fundraisers to help them raise enough money to cover any and all expenses. They have worked concession stands for athletic teams, a firework booth, held rummage sales and continue to sell sponsorships that are placed on band t-shirts. The band would really appreciate it if their fellow classmates would help them out in any way. Every penny counts! Let's hear some of the excitement from some of the most talented musicians out there!

“I feel very excited; the only obstacle would be money but I think we can do it. It's so cool to be representing California!! The drum majors have been really helpful and our shows are really improving!!”
–Eduardo Ruiz Morales (12)

“I feel very honored to have been nominated by our mayor to represent California. In order to get there, we will have fundraisers like sponsor T-shirts, recycling and donation boxes during our home football games. And if students would like to go above and beyond they can donate some money at the business office”
–Ms. Wehlander
“I’m very excited for May to come. This is a great opportunity and I really like how we get the chance to represent Santa Maria and California. I'm very happy to be a drum major this year and I hope to make our band even better!!”
–Derald Bolusan (11)

-Eldanabi Delgado Guillen
Duo Day Pix
-Eldanabi Delgado Guillen