Pioneer Valley HS
September 22, 2017
Issue 26, Vol. 3
Fri 22-Sep 4:00 JV Football vs SMHS
Fri 22-Sep 7:00 V Football vs SMHS
Fri-Sat Sept 22-23 TBA B Wpolo @ RHS Novice Tourney
Sat 23-Sep 9:00 Xcountry @ Atascadero
Sports & Activities
Friday, September 22
Panther Pride Day
Panther Rally at lunch
Freshman Class President voting - at lunch in the amphitheater
PV Runs Red
-Jacklyn Cruz & Lizette Ramirez

Trump Tripped Over Treacherous Trails
Yesterday afternoon an atomic bomb came out and Trump starts getting sued by California and other people. On 09/20/17 at 12:28 PM California sues Trump on building the border which leaves everyone in surprise. On 09/18/17 at 03:56 PM NAACP sues Trump for ending DACA and it's an astonishment. On Sep 7, 2017 Washington sues Trump for ending DACA. All these lawsuits that are coming out are leaving people in surprise and joining in to sue Trump. As more and more people start suing Trump, the weaker he'll get and the stronger the people will be. There are many horrible things that are happening in this world and for once someone steps up to sue Trump.
-Diana Valenzuela Garcia

Q: How do you feel about Trump getting sued? How does this change the way you think about him?
A: "I feel like it’s a good thing he got sued and he deserves it. It was about time someone stepped up and sued him for all the non-presidential things he's been doing. I feel like he should get sued by more people so he can be impeached and we can have a better president. This changes the way I think about him a lot because now I know that someone is doing something about helping our dreamers and so they know that they don’t stand alone and they have support from many others. If I could, I would sue him too and get him impeached and bring a better president there." -Nancy Flores (12th )
Q: As a student how does it make you feel about these countries/ states helping these students achieve their dreams? If you could help these dreamers in any way what would you help them on? How do you feel on trump getting sued by the dreamers?
A: "My opinion towards the dreamers getting help is that it's good that they are getting help and that they need to be able to go to college here and they will have a good life in the future. I don’t think it's fair on how they are being treated because they are being treated bad and they don’t get the respect that they need. I think that the school would be different and half empty if the dreamers got deported. I feel like that was a great idea of them suing Trump because he deserves it and it’s a way for him to see that they won't give up, it’s a weak spot for Trump. I also feel like he will go weak and leave all these dreamers alone and not even mention them at all. I just wish I could sue him and get him out of being president. This is just very surprising that he got sued and many more other people are suing him" -Erika Rico (12th left)
A: "As a student I feel like it’s a good thing that they are getting help because it lets them achieve their goals and for them to have a better future. If I could help them out I would help them on protesting and I would write a letter to congress explaining to them why they should keep DACA. I feel like they did a good job on suing Trump because like that, he can see that they are not giving up on their dreams. I'm actually happy that he got sued, I wish that he gets removed from being president and we get a new one. I put my word that when I'm 18 I will vote for a better president and not make the same mistake that the 18-year old's from now did on not voting, and look what happened we got a bad president!" -Alondra Rico (9th Right)

Q: Do you think Trump will come up with something to "help" these dreamers? Or Do you think it's just all talk? If you had Trump face to face what will you tell him about his bad decision on ending DACA? What do you think PV and any other school would look like without all these students protected by DACA? How do you feel about Trump getting sued by dreamers?
A: "Well Trump is the one who wants to end DACA, so why does he want to help them if he's the one responsible for all the controversy? It's all talk, during his campaign it was all talk for him. He would say things like "get rid of all the Mexicans" and look we're all still here. I would tell him; how would it feel if someone came in and told you that after everything you've "worked" for being a president all ended? It wouldn't feel so great because all these students have worked hard for so many years to get to where they are at and now you're just ending their lives. Many schools would most likely look pretty empty because we won't know who are here that are protected by DACA, we could be surrounded by them and we don’t know it. I feel like it was a great idea that Trump got sued because with this he will grow weaker if more and more dreamers start suing him. This is a good thing you know because all these students are suffering and its time that they get help by someone or a state that will help them win this battle. I feel like after all this suing, he will go in front of the tv and say "I will help you guys" but guess what? it'll be all talk and it’s a way for him to get all those lawsuits off him. This won't work at all because these students don't have a voice and they will keep filing more lawsuits until he gives up and leaves these dreamers alone." -Joselyn Gonzalez (12th )
War Survey Results in --- Next Survey: Teachers & Guns
This past Monday the PT’s ran a survey asking our readers if they thought the U.S would be going to war with North Korea. The results are in: 67% of respondents said "yes", 17% said "no", and 16% said "uncertain."
Tensions are high with the U.S and North Korea. There's two mad men threatening to blow each other up and everyone is afraid of a nuclear war breaking out. Kim Jong-un is apparently planning to test the largest Hydrogen bomb over the Pacific Ocean and Trump's tweets aren't going to stop him. But you have to understand that this is a powerplay. North Korea doesn't have the largest military in the world and all these allies like the U.S does. Kim is a dictator who just wants to remain in power. The U.S potentially could blow up North Korea but it would lead to the death of millions to our allies of South Korea. Kim is shaking in his boots and know the power of U.S. He has to make threats and have powerful big weapons to ensure he won't be taken over. So calm your nerves we're not going to war anytime soon.... unless the U.S strikes first. -Alasaundra Silva
Should teachers be allowed to have guns on campus for safety reasons?
What's Your Opinion?
-Keydi Gracida Zayas
“My definition of beautiful is having a kind heart and being genuine because you can be the prettiest person but if you have an arrogant personality you’re not pretty to my yes anymore. Social media is always giving us new expectations. There’s many social media models that have the perfect bodies and symmetrical faces. That sometimes makes you feel bad about yourself because most us
Insight: The image we perceive about beauty always comes from what we see on social media from Instagram models to Victoria Secret models. The standards and expectations set for women is outrageous because they expect us all to be pretty with a nice body. This affects girls and women's self-esteem as well as men's expectations of women. Beauty shouldn't be the physical image but, as corny as it may sound, it should be someone's personality. Being your own kind of beautiful requires for you to develop your inner you. Everything about you is magnificent and spectacular so, don’t let people's perspective of you make you feel like you aren’t good enough.
Our Panthers also shared their views on this short verse:

don’t look like them. It ends up lowering your self-esteem. I have personally compared myself to Instagram models and they’re physically so well put together it makes you either hate them or yourself.” -Maribel Valdez (12)
“When I think the word beautiful, I think of someone who is happy with who they are and doesn’t worry about what others have to say. I think people change themselves too much because nowadays many people are so worried about what everyone else thinks that they don’t pay attention to who they have become. I think social media is affecting the lives of young girls because there are many girls worried about their looks and what to wear instead of enjoying being a kid. Finally, my message to the people who think they’re not beautiful is that there is that in reality everyone is beautiful in their own way, whether it’s their personality or their kindness or their laughter, everyone is beautiful in a way.” Aryanna Rodriquez (12)

“When I hear the word beautiful I think of a person’s appearance but also their heart. Someone may look attractive but have an ugly personality which doesn’t make them beautiful. Social Media always praises good looking people which makes some people think that they're not beautiful. They believe they have to look a certain way to be beautiful to other people. My message to people who don't think they're beautiful is to just be themselves. Don't worry about what people say; appearance shouldn't matter. It is what's on the inside [that] is more important.” Xareni Hernandez (12)
“I think this poem is trying to tell us that no matter how we look, we should see ourselves as beautiful people. Yes, I get that social media sets our standard but we don’t have to follow them because most of those girls on social media does not reflect every single female in the world. It just isn’t possible for all of us too look the same or else we would just be clones of perfection and what’s the fun in that. This generation is too busy worrying about the other people's opinion but what they don’t understand is that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder.’ My message for all those who are struggling to love themselves is that if you take a deeper look at others, they’re not perfect and you shouldn’t believe that you should be.” Jennifer Bravo (12)
“To me the word beautiful reminds me of nature and things that I love. When someone says that you're not beautiful, you should always keep in mind that you are very beautiful and that beauty doesn't have a scale or a face. Social media makes us feel bad about ourselves because it sets impossible standards. My message to those who think that being like models is the only way to be beautiful is that beauty comes in all sorts of ways. Love yourself and be confident. Do you honey!” Yadira Murillo (12)
I'm Sorry They
Made You Hate
Your Reflection
So You Hide It
Behind Make Up,
And Mascara Just
To Feel Like You'll
Make More
In A World That So
Stuck Up On Physical
And The Media Trying
To Resign You, But
Never Let What's
Behind You
Define You
Real Beauty Is
Inside You.
Varsity Tennis Hosts Atascadero

-Jose Perez