Pioneer Valley HS
September 25, 2017
Issue 27, Vol. 3
Tues 26-Sep 3:30 G V Tennis vs Righetti
Tues 26-Sep 3:30 G JV Tennis @ Righetti
Tues 26-Sep 2:30 G Golf vs SLO (Black Lake)
Tues 26-Sep 4/5/6 G F/JV/V Vball vs Atascadero
Tues 26-Sep 4:30 B W Polo vs SLO
Thurs 28-Sep 3:30 G V Tennis vs M Prep
Thurs 28-Sep 3:30 G JV Tennis @ M Prep
Thurs 28-Sep 2:00 G Golf @ SMCC Mini Tourney
Thurs 28-Sep 4:30 B Wpolo vs Righetti
Thurs 28-Sep 5:00 Frosh Fball vs Atascadero
Thurs 28-Sep 4/5/6 G FR/JV/V Vball vs Righetti
Fri 29-Sep 4:00 JV Fball @ Atascadero
Fri 29-Sep 7:00 V Fball @ Atascadero
Fri 29-Sep 3:00 Xcountry @ D Pueblos Invite
Sat 30-Sep TBA G JV Vball @ Nipomo Tourney
Sat 30-Sep TBA G JV/V Hoops Milinda Parra Memorial
Sports & Activities
Monday, September 25
Key Club - lunch - library
Tuesday, September 26
PV Smash - Lunch - Room 611
BSU - lunch - Room 603
Wednesday, September 27
FCA - lunch - Room 555
GLO Club - lunch - Room 551/552
Club Salsa Caliente - Lunch - Room 603
FBLA - Lunch - Room 431
Thursday, September 28
Center Stage - lunch - Room 202
Behind the Scenes
There’s so much work that goes into the yearbook and the Panther Tales, but all of that hard work is usually overlooked. Yes, they do get credit and their name is on the home page of the Panther Tales but on there they are only a name. Not many people can go off based on a name to know them. One of the editors is Kylia Harrison, sports editor. She is in charge of making sure all sports events are covered and choosing what pictures go in the yearbook. Aside from being an editor there’s more to Kylia, she’s a senior and a varsity cheerleader. She also still has to balance homework; tests and she has to remember about 3 dances for games on Friday!! Whew that’s a lot. But she also has her own opinion about what being and editor is like.
"I am the sports editor, being an editor is fun however it is a lot of work. This yearbook you can expect the sports section to be a little different. I want it to be better. Yes, I do work on the yearbook, both the beginning section of the panther tales part, and the sports section. I also deal with the varsity cheer section because that is the club that I am covering. I think that anyone who wants to join yearbook or panther tales should do it! This is my second year and I made so much friends and I broke out of my comfort zone by interviewing people. I’m just so excited for this yearbook!" - Kylia Harrison (12)

-Eldanabi Delgado Guillen
Teal Reigns Over Red
Article/ Pictures: Brenda Linares
Quotes/ Pictures: Elizabeth Morales
Pictures: Zander Moreno and David Penaloza
It's a great team and it's nice to win and not lose. But at the same time, their team was well coached so, it’s hard but our kids played very well. Pioneer came out victorious. It's always nerve wracking because anything in the games like this, you go through peaks and valleys and whoever makes the least mistakes wins or whoever has the last possession wins. The players did great I have to hand it to Nick Robledo and
This past Friday night our Varsity football team hosted one of the most popular games against our crosstown rivals Santa Maria Saints. The visitor bleachers were swarmed with red everywhere not to mention the home side! The Dark Side was over-packed, we had a tremendous crowd! The game had not commenced and the yelling had already begun between both sides of the field. Our Panthers greeted our players as they ran through the banner onto the field. By the start of the third quarter, the Saints had scored 28 to 19. The Panthers were able to pull off a play by the end of the quarter when Matthew Garcia at twelve yards threw the ball to Jonathan Salazar making a touchdown. The score was then 28 to 26. By the end of the game with at least 40 seconds on the clock, Emanuel Alcantar scored a touchdown turning the game around to 32 to 28. As time grew shorter the dark side grew louder and soon enough the Panthers took the victory! If you missed the game and would like to see clips click here: http://santamariatimes.com/sports/high-school/football/quickcast-santa-maria-saints-vs-pioneer-valley-panthers/youtube_c26730f2-63b9-578e-ad43-49ed415ca9a1.html For more pictures: http://santamariatimes.com/sports/high-school/gallery-panthers-fend-off-saints-to-stay-perfect-in-series/collection_638ac4a1-971d-5436-9c57-0281d76e1612.html#23

"We told our guys who wants it more when we were down at halftime and they came out and they played a heck of a game in the second half. Santa Maria is really good this year. No, I don't get nervous because I don't get to play and it's hard because I want to win bad and I can't go out there and do it for them. All I can do is scream at them. The players played great and we had a lot of guys who were hurt like Bourbon, Salazar, Hoobery got hurt at the end and Lucio almost got knocked out. And they all sucked it up and went back out there and played their hardest. Honestly, I had the double head phones tonight so I was glad because I couldn't hear anybody. All I heard was coach Ruiz screaming in my head. The crowd was great and I wish we had this for every game. I understand this was for Santa Maria but I wish we had it for every game" -Coach Jeffres

"It felt good beating them again. This one just felt a little different for us seniors. I was pretty confident through the whole game, I know my boys always going to ball out. Nothing was going through my mind when we were losing. We gave them a chance just to make it interesting. I saw that broke boy on our field and Ruiz always told us 'what are you going to do if someone tried to invade you house' that's what happens" -Junior Hoobery (12)

Mat Garcia they really played well and Alcantar had a great run and it was awesome. The jungle is always awesome and it has to come out more often and it is all about school spirit. We support every sport here. It's all about getting people involved that's how you have fun in high school" - Coach Ruiz

"It's actually my first year playing Santa Maria but I hear all the stories about the rivalries and it feels good to keep the legacy alive. I never get nervous before a game but I felt hyped because it’s the game everyone has been waiting for. It didn't feel any different we just had one job on defense and that is to stop the ball, although we had a few mistakes. We knew we wouldn't let our school down. Losing wasn't on my mind because I knew our team was going to pull through. I mean Class of 2018 wasn't going to be the first team to lose to Santa Maria" -Mick Reyes (12)
"It always feels good to win no matter what, I was as excited. I wasn't nervous at all, it was just another football game and all I wanted to do was win. I didn't feel under pressure at all, I was as calm as I can be. Nothing was going through my mind when we were losing. I just felt like I had to do something to win this game for my team. It felt great making a touchdown, I was pumped and ready to kick some butt" -Nick Robledo (12)

"It feels amazing to beat Santa Maria again. Being able to play at our house and take the dub was cool. There was a lot of hype coming into this game about who's going to win than last year, so there was a lot more pressure on us. I wasn't really nervous. I just couldn't wait to get on the field and hit them. Playing under pressure is just part of the game. You have to be able to make plays when it counts and as a team we stuck to the way we were coached and played our hearts out and it showed on the field. When we were losing I was thinking 'I know damn well we aren't going to go out like this. We are a way better team than they are. And I know we aren't going to be the first Pioneer Valley team to lose to the Saints'" -Steven Fuerte (11, right)

"I really enjoyed the game Friday. It was fun and intense. Although it did get a little out of hand, but I was glad I went. I knew Pv was going to win. We have a really good team and I believed in them on Friday. I was nervous when we started to lose, but I knew our team was going to fire back and win the game. The crowd had mixed feelings. At the beginning we were happy and full of energy of excitement. Then we got a little nervous, but finally at the end we were pumped and happy our team won" -Ariel Ruiz (12)

"I thought the game on Friday went very well. It was super crazy and getting that win against our rival was the best part. I did think we were going to win because we couldn't lose our winning streak against SM. I was getting nervous when we were losing because I didn't want us to lose the game against SM. I felt the tension especially in the last quarter when we were losing by a couple points. The crowd was very hyped and I was so proud of how spirited and I'm so proud to call myself a Panther" -Faith Gonzales (12)

"My thoughts about the game on Friday, is that I was sad when Matt Garcia threw a pic six. I just knew that Matt either should've rushed the ball or thrown the ball away if he didn't see anyone open. My favorite part of the game was when Kenneth Hoobery knocked down that kid who ran onto the field from Sm. That was pretty epic and I was laughing so hard. I honestly thought we were going to win. Even though it didn't seem like it during 3rd quarter or with Matt Garcia's pix six. I knew we had a chance at winning because our offense and defense were strong and we
"I loved the whole atmosphere of just being at the game it was so much fun and I can't wait for other football games. I did think we were going to win because our football team is super good this year so I had hoped we would win and we did so ya! For the Jv game I was confident they were going to lose and they ended up not scoring anything so that sucked for them. We took that W! For varsity it was kind of

were going to make a comeback. Of course, I had gotten really nervous when we were losing. I couldn’t believe it but I never stooped in believing in our players and I knew we weren't going to stop there. And I knew we weren't going to give up like that. We were going to have to fight it until the end. The crowd was amazing. I loved how everyone from the Panthers home side filled up the bleachers. I loved how everyone was saying our panther chant really loud. From the sidelines, their energy kept our players from losing and kind of motivation. Their energy was feeding into the players to not give up and that was a great feeling to see and feel. Go Panthers!!!!" -Isis Diaz (12)
head to head. I was nervous the whole game and then the last 3 minutes we scored and won and I got so happy! It was so hyped up and I loved it! Just being there it was all good vibes and I had a smile on my face the whole time. I started to lose my voice towards the end of the varsity game. Everyone was so into the game and there was so much school spirit, it was awesome" -Marissa Castro (9)
"My thoughts about the game was that it was super intense, since Santa Maria high school is our rivals and is one of the biggest games. The tension was super high on us beating them. I always had faith in Pvs football team they're pretty good, but I also heard there was a lot of good players on Santa Maria's high school team. I thought they might have a chance at winning but I was confident in our boys. Yes, I was nervous when we were losing because it was towards the end of the game and it was intense, but I knew that our boys wanted that win because we beat SMHS these past few years. And the feeling of our crowd was so energetic and hyped all the way up, we have some of the best spirit in town. And we have so much fun cheering our team"
-Crystal Camarena (12)
Pre-Game Rally Puts Panthers on the Prowl

-Diana Valenzuela Garcia