Pioneer Valley HS
September 26, 2017
Issue 28, Vol. 3
Tues 26-Sep 3:30 G V Tennis vs Righetti
Tues 26-Sep 3:30 G JV Tennis @ Righetti
Tues 26-Sep 2:30 G Golf vs SLO (Black Lake)
Tues 26-Sep 4/5/6 G F/JV/V Vball vs Atascadero
Tues 26-Sep 4:30 B W Polo vs SLO
Thurs 28-Sep 3:30 G V Tennis vs M Prep
Thurs 28-Sep 3:30 G JV Tennis @ M Prep
Thurs 28-Sep 2:00 G Golf @ SMCC Mini Tourney
Thurs 28-Sep 4:30 B Wpolo vs Righetti
Thurs 28-Sep 5:00 Frosh Fball vs Atascadero
Thurs 28-Sep 4/5/6 G FR/JV/V Vball vs Righetti
Fri 29-Sep 4:00 JV Fball @ Atascadero
Fri 29-Sep 7:00 V Fball @ Atascadero
Fri 29-Sep 3:00 Xcountry @ D Pueblos Invite
Sat 30-Sep TBA G JV Vball @ Nipomo Tourney
Sat 30-Sep TBA G JV/V Hoops Milinda Parra Memorial
Sports & Activities
Tuesday, September 26
PV Smash - Lunch - Room 611
BSU - lunch - Room 603
Health and Wellness Club - lunch - Room 605
Wednesday, September 27
FCA - lunch - Room 555
Club Salsa Caliente - Lunch - Room 603
FBLA - Lunch - Room 431
Thursday, September 28
Center Stage - lunch - Room 202
GLO Club - lunch - Room 551/552
​The unborn child was unseen
By the masses of prying eyes.
Neither devil nor divine
Claim them of the same species.
The worst cantankerous voices
Shot blades of hate into
The eyes of the innocent.
Love laid where love shouldn't,
Seeping into the cracks of the uncanny.
Hate bred on hate until its clenched fists
Scorched the fingers of love.
Strange it is to hate the person who is on the same team.
Strange it is to hate how another person loves
-Alexis Dagar
And the Teal Reign Began to Flood; JV Wins 49-0
-Alasaundra Silva

Harmonious Homecoming Runners Reach for Royalty
-Kyana Harrison
With homecoming just a month away (Oct. 21), seniors are already eager to win homecoming king or queen. Homecoming is the most cheerful time of the year because all students get to participate in the fun. Here are some students who are hoping to be part of this year's homecoming court.

"I would like to run for homecoming queen because it would be a memorable memory for my senior year. It gives me the opportunity to meet new people as well and I'm very excited for homecoming because it's the last time I get to go to one with all my close friends. I want to represent not only myself but my friends as well and I want to be able to share an experience with my friends and the rest of my peers." -Kelsey Noriega (12)
"I’m would like to run for homecoming king just to make my senior year fun! Yes, I am very excited for my last homecoming. I’m ready for it to get lit and dance all night. Most of all to see all my friends having fun!" -Salvador Villa (12)

"Running for homecoming queen means a lot to me. Before going into high school, I would come to PV's Friday night lights and one of those was the homecoming game. I never knew what homecoming was and it was just so interesting and cool to me to see the court, especially the queen candidates wearing beautiful dresses and crowns representing their school positively. I knew since then, that's what I wanted to do one day in high school. The Homecoming king and queen are the face of the student body, those who carry pride for their school. I personally feel I am really friendly and kind plus involved socially, academically, and in organizations, which makes me a good candidate for Homecoming queen. It would be such an honor to complete my goal in becoming the homecoming queen for PV this year. And yes, I am very excited for my last homecoming dance. But at the same time, I feel bummed because I know high school is coming to an end. I want to have a good time and make the best of this year and homecoming is always memorable." -Denise Valasco (12)

-Alina Davila
iPhone 8; Are You In?
-Jonathan Hedlund
Last week Apple announced both the iPhone 8 and iPhone X (10) and the iPhone x is starting at 64 gb for $999. The iPhone X has a 5.8-inch display and has Face ID which is now the way you would unlock the phone. It still has a 12MP camera if you like taking selfies, there is a new mode called Portrait Lighting which produces studio quality lighting effects, there is enabled optical zoom 10x for photos and 6x for videos. It is 25 percent faster than the iPhone 8. Its battery lasts 2 hours longer than the iPhone 7. And lastly, they have introduced wireless charging but the device will be available in 2018 and it costs $59.95. My opinion is that I won't buy it even when it is lower than it is right now. The phone looks cool and all but it doesn't seem like it would be worth paying $1,000 for. What do you think? Take this survey and let our readers know!

Fall Fashion
Uh no! Don't know what to wear for fall? Well here are some ideas to keep you up to date with the latest fashion trends.

Here we have uptown look that you can wear almost anywhere. Whether if it's to the grocery store or a night on the town you can rock this look to any event. To start off with we have some Suede Chelsea boots that you can purchase at Macy's for about $328.00. As we move up we have some Levi's skinny fit distressed jeans that will cost you about $74.98. And then we have a double breasted long trench coat from ASOS which will run you about $60.00. And of course, an all-time classic in the fashion world, some black Wayfarer Ray-bans.

Here we have a casual look for school. With some Michael Kors Maisie flat leather booties that have been a huge hit this year that you can buy for about $138. Then taking a look at the pants we have some skinny fit high wasted jeans made by Levi's that have also been a huge fashion trend that will cost you about $45.Then we have a halter top/turtle neck that you can buy just about anywhere for about $15.99.

Of course, what's fall without scarves? Scarves are a great essential to have because it allows you to have the warm coziness through the windy days of fall. You can also dress up the scarves or dress them down.

"Fall is definitely one of my favorite seasons. For fall I tend to wear cozy clothes because it keeps me warm during the windy days. For example, like boots, leggings, scarves, long socks, cute sweaters and all things cozy. Fall is the perfect season to bring out the long boots/warm boots and anything cute!" -Janelly Sanchez (11).

"My thoughts on fall fashion is that it's great a time to wear fuzzy sweaters, and fall colors such as orange or mustard colors. Some of the basic essentials to have for fall are leg warmers, boots, and of course BEANIES! Another thought on fall, is that it is the time of year where you spend time with family and friends indoors!" -Kelsey Noriega (12)
"For fall I think cozy sweaters are one of the major essentials for fall and of course for the ladies, nice fuzzy boots. My thoughts on fall is that it's my favorite season because of all the beautiful colors and it reminds me of the beautiful ladies" -Salvador Lara (12)
"The essentials for fall would have to be lots of cardigans and sweaters as well as dark shaded colors such as burgundy, green, and mustard yellow. I really want fall to get here soon so I can start wearing comfy sweaters." -Lesley Barriga (11)
"Some essentials for fall are olive colors and neutral tones. Scarves, rider boots, and cardigans are a huge MUST HAVE. Fall is also a season where you can wear UGG's because sometimes it tends to get a little chilly."
-Jazmin Leon (11)

-Domonic Ponce
One of the biggest essentials for fall is the messenger bag and cross body bags because it allows you to carry less stuff than you would with a huge backpack.