Pioneer Valley HS
September 27, 2017
Issue 29, Vol. 3
Thurs 28-Sep 3:30 G V Tennis vs M Prep
Thurs 28-Sep 3:30 G JV Tennis @ M Prep
Thurs 28-Sep 2:00 G Golf @ SMCC Mini Tourney
Thurs 28-Sep 4:30 B Wpolo vs Righetti
Thurs 28-Sep 5:00 Frosh Fball vs Atascadero
Thurs 28-Sep 4/5/6 G FR/JV/V Vball vs Righetti
Fri 29-Sep 4:00 JV Fball @ Atascadero
Fri 29-Sep 7:00 V Fball @ Atascadero
Fri 29-Sep 3:00 Xcountry @ D Pueblos Invite
Sat 30-Sep TBA G JV Vball @ Nipomo Tourney
Sat 30-Sep TBA G JV/V Hoops Milinda Parra Memorial
Sports & Activities
Wednesday, September 27
FCA - lunch - Room 555
Club Salsa Caliente - Lunch - Room 603
FBLA - Lunch - Room 431
Thursday, September 28
Center Stage - lunch - Room 202
GLO Club - lunch - Room 551/552
Xxxtentacion "17"
Nineteen-year-old Jahseh Onfroy better known as Xxxtentacion is considered one of the most successful artist to raise up with his music career. He first just started with Soundcloud and finally released his first song called "Vice City" in 2014. After releasing his first song he would put small portions of songs he was working on SoundCloud. After he did a collaboration with another artist and was starting to get known little by little His famous song "Look at me" went viral worldwide. His album "17" just came out on August 25th 2017. His album "17" is meaningful and emotional about himself and as he struggles with depression he dedicates the album to people who are go through the same thing.
-Jacklyn Cruz & Lizette Ramirez
What's your opinion on Xxxtentacion? What's your favorite song out of he's whole album and why?
"I like how he changes up his style like he goes hard on his other songs then goes to his emotions like he creates this new genre of trap rock-ish to more of singing, which is great. My favorite song out of his whole album is revenge because it's very different from the other songs I like that he added the guitar acoustic and then his singing just makes it such a great song off the album." -Elvis Mendoza (12)

I don’t really like him but I do like a couple of his songs. I think Xxxtentacion is going to get bigger than he is right now because our generation is more into rap music now so honestly any rapper that is barely making he's music career will grow just like Xxxtentacion. -Berenice Barajas (9) (right side)
What are three reason you like Xxxtentacon? Do you think he will make it even bigger than he is right now; if so why?
Three reason I like him is because he speaks from his heart, I also like the rhythm of his music, and his music relates to a lot of people. I think he is going to make it bigger because his music is growing as a rapper as the generation grows. -Sofia Vigila (9) (left side)
Do you relate to any of he's songs if so why? Would you recommend his album to other students/ peers if so why?
I don’t relate to his songs but I would recommend It to other students/peers because other students that are going through some stuff might be depressed and what not, but listening to Xxxtentacion music will make them realize they're not the only ones alone and some might be able to cope better with his music. -Stephanie Leon (11)
Frosh Volleyball Hosts Atascadero
-Jose Perez

Derrick Weeden & Fences Coming to PV
-SMJUHSD Press Release
PVHS drama students will get a behind the scenes look at becoming a professional actor when the star of PCPA’s production “Fences” visits them on Friday, Sept. 29th.
Derrick Weeden also plans to talk about the Pulitzer and Tony Award-winning play that explores the evolving African -American experience and examines race relations and other themes from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. inside the drama room.

"It's an incredible opportunity to get to see "Fences" for free with our classmates then get to actually meet the lead actor and ask him all the questions that ran through my head as I was watching the play.’ -Daniel Geiger (12)
“I’m looking forward to meeting someone who actually pursued their dream of being an actor and made it.” -Alina Davila (12)

Teacher Shawnah Van Gronigen believes having the actor discuss the play with her students will allow them to “get a deeper understanding of this important piece of literature that deals with so many of the social issues that we are still dealing with today.’’
New Teachers at PVHS

Describe your regular day at your work. Where did you get your credentials Who taught you the important life skills for raising a kid? What's your best moment at school? What do you enjoy about your job? What's your favorite place to eat in Santa Maria? Who is your celebrity crush? What was the most embarrassing moment in all your years teaching? What is the hardest part of your job? What should students learn from your class?
“The only thing regular is that no one day is the same. I got my teaching credentials at Cal Poly, SLO. My biggest influence was my mom and my friends helped. That’s tough because there’s a few, one is seeing kids excited about class and getting nice comments from students. I love everything, this is where I am meant to be. Gina’s piece of cake is my favorite place to go. Garth Brooks is my celebrity crush. I went to the restroom and came back with my fly down and no one told me the whole time. The hardest part of my job is disciplining students and getting students to pay attention. I teach life skills they can use it in any part of their life. They are very important, something they can use forever." -Mrs. Diaz

How do you like to run your class? How did you get your job at Pv? Where are you from? Who's your favorite music artist?
"I like to run my class very hands on and we get to use the greenhouse a lot. I try to do the labs outside as much as possible. I also like to learn new skills. After I got out of Cal Poly, two weeks later I got my job here at PV. I'm from Santa Maria and lived across the street. My favorite music artist is Stragill Simpson. I'm going to see him in San Francisco"
-Mr. Dickinson
What’s your hobbies? What perked your interest in teaching at PV? Did you teach in other school districts? What is your advice for future students? What drove you to become a teacher? Have you experienced any embarrassing moments as a teacher so far? What was your favorite subject as a student?
"My hobbies are Photography and watching Netflix. I graduated from PV and had a dream of coming back. After he graduated from college, he applied to get the job. He succeeded on getting the job and now teaches math. I taught at Paso and different middle schools. My advice for students is to take school seriously because whatever you do here in high school, it will affect you in life. If you do what you’re supposed to in high school, you’ll be able to do the things you love. In college I used to tutor students and I fell in love with it. I experienced an embarrassing moment when a student says a joke and it's funny. The whole class begins to laugh and the class goes out of control. My favorite subject when I was a student was math. I’ve always loved math and it's nice that all my teachers are still here.” -Mr.Ordonez
-Brayan Sanchez, Daniel Medina & Angelique Zepeda

Did you know who Xxtentacion was before he's album 17 dropped? As soon as he dropped he's album did you start liking he's music why or why not?
I did not know who he was in the beginning but as soon as his newest album 17 come out I stared to get into his music little by little. I did start liking his music. I think it gives powerful words for people that are struggling that's why I like him now. -Kiki Flores (11)