Pioneer Valley HS
September 28, 2017
Issue 30, Vol. 3
Thurs 28-Sep 3:30 G V Tennis vs M Prep
Thurs 28-Sep 3:30 G JV Tennis @ M Prep
Thurs 28-Sep 2:00 G Golf @ SMCC Mini Tourney
Thurs 28-Sep 4:30 B Wpolo vs Righetti
Thurs 28-Sep 5:00 Frosh Fball vs Atascadero
Thurs 28-Sep 4/5/6 G FR/JV/V Vball vs Righetti
Fri 29-Sep 4:00 JV Fball @ Atascadero
Fri 29-Sep 7:00 V Fball @ Atascadero
Fri 29-Sep 3:00 Xcountry @ D Pueblos Invite
Sat 30-Sep TBA G JV Vball @ Nipomo Tourney
Sat 30-Sep TBA G JV/V Hoops Milinda Parra Memorial
Sports & Activities
Thursday, September 28
Center Stage - lunch - Room 202
GLO Club - lunch - Room 551/552
Flicker Flame
Flicker flicker flame do you remember my name
Do you recognize that I'm going through pain
I wallow in tears, reflecting on the past few years of heartache and change
Please know my mind is deranged in all ways
Sit with me here and mourn my sanity
I've drowned myself in everything but water
Tried to set myself ablaze but there is no spark nor flame
Just my wretched self and destructive route
I've chased stability but she runs from me
There again are those hallow winds that send me into an abyss
The valley dries out and we miss what we used to be
Before our minds were flooded with everything and nothing
There's no more words no more thoughts just me and the never-ending chaos
-Alasaundra Silva
iPhone 8; Are You In? See Results Tomorrow!
Last week Apple announced both the iPhone 8 and iPhone X (10) and the iPhone x is starting at 64 gb for $999. The iPhone X has a 5.8-inch display and has Face ID which is now the way you would unlock the phone. It still has a 12MP camera if you like taking selfies, there is a new mode called Portrait Lighting which produces studio quality lighting effects, there is enabled optical zoom 10x for photos and 6x for videos. It is 25 percent faster than the iPhone 8. Its battery lasts 2 hours longer than the iPhone 7. And lastly, they have introduced wireless charging but the device will be available in 2018 and it costs $59.95. My opinion is that I won't buy it even when it is lower than it is right now. The phone looks cool and all but it doesn't seem like it would be worth paying $1,000 for. What do you think? Take this survey and let our readers know!

Spanish Music
-Eldanabi Delgado
In every culture there is something that the youth holds onto and really enjoys. In some cases, it’s the food, in others it's the clothes. In Mexican culture it's usually the music that sets them apart from other cultures. Most of the students with Mexican descendants really enjoy this type of music at quinces, jaripeos, or just around when cleaning.

"I do listen to Spanish music. I usually listen to it at parties or when I'm with family. I also listen to it when I am cleaning. I don't really have a favorite album or song but my favorite banda would be Aruyadora." -David Garcia (11)
"Yes, I do listen to Spanish music but most of the time it's on cleaning days. My favorite song is "Vas A Llorar Por MI "by Banda el Recodo. I usually listen to it at parties, when I'm cleaning or when my family is over."
-Stefano Rincon (10)

"I love Spanish songs and my favorite is 'Te Regalo' and to be honest I don't have a favorite banda. I just love whatever is good. " -Maritza Ambriz (11)

"I honestly don't listen to Mexican music but I think my favorite would be 'Lo Busque' because it has sentimental. It's my childhood song that I would always hear my mom playing"
-Alexia Tamayo (10)
Student Spotlight

To me, student spotlight is about students who stand out here at Pioneer Valley. These students all do something outstanding for the school and they are what makes our school more exciting. Each one of them has a special talent. Whether it's just joining a club or joining a sport, even just being a regular student at school. -Jayda Sena

"In the beginning all of us just kept to ourselves because we didn’t know each other so one thing I want is for us to be closer and work together as a team. I do think every day we are getting better. What I like most about football is that we all are having fun and just playing hard. I think the team will stay undefeated if we just keep it up and keep working together." -Matthew Perez (11;right)
"One thing we have to do is definitely bond more. We go out there as a team and as one. I do believe I'm getting better but there's always room for improvement I just got to go out there and practice more. Something I like about football is playing with my brothers on the Friday night games and showing what we can do as one." -Danny Martinez (10;left)

"If I could describe my life in one word it would be happiness because I have my girlfriend by my side and she gave me such a beautiful gift, my daughter. My girlfriend is my #1 supporter and is always there for me. I wouldn't change anything in my life because I have everything I ever wanted and I definitely wouldn't start over. Once I graduate I plan to go to college and work so my daughter and my girlfriend have nothing missing and I want to provide them with a better life." -Daniel Garcia (12)
"Honestly being involved is the best way to spend your high school years! From dancing in front of the school or just hosting may even sound scary but for me it's actually not! It's so fun! Just hearing my name being called out and people screaming for me just takes my confidence to a whole new level." -Carl A. (10)