Pioneer Valley HS
September 6, 2017
Issue 15, Vol. 3
Not Too Early to Consider Softball
-Mariah Arellano
Hey Panthers! Are you interested in making new friends, or being a part of a team this spring? Come be a part of your Pioneer Valley Softball team! Please talk at lunch with Ms. Sewell in room 323; if you did not attend the informational meeting discussing conditioning and further events to come please ask a retuning player for information. This year we are making history with Pioneers first all-female softball staff! New faces are welcome and no experience is needed. Girls with positive attitudes and seeking fun, please come to conditioning! Also, ALL returner’s fall class schedules are needed! If anyone has any questions please talk to the head coach Ms. Sewell or Coach Thedy or follow our Instagram page pv.softball2k17 for further important dates!

Are you excited for your senior season?
"Yes, because it's my senior year, and I am very excited to start up with the new family this year! Also, I am excited to meet the new girls!"
- Vanessa Navaro (12)
How do you think this year is going to be with an all-female coaching staff?
“I'm very excited for this season. I think it's going to be a completely different atmosphere and style of coaching and I can't wait for it. It's going to have a family dynamic to it, and that's what got me really excited for this season. I know two of the coaches already and they both know the game like the back of their hands and as for the two incoming coaches their knowledge and love for the game is just as extensive as the other two. I think that's what's going to make this season so fun, the love for the sport as well as the desire to be out there on that field.”- Vanesa Gomez(12)
Do you think girls who have never played before or want to play should come to conditioning and ask questions of former players and coaches?
“Yes! So, they can get information about softball and meet the coaches in advance. Also, they can get to know some varsity coaches and players and ask questions about the season and how it goes. It's better to ask questions and come to conditioning than miss out.”- Aaliyah Peinado(10)

Wed 6-Sep 4:30 B Wpolo vs M Bay
Wed 6-Sep 3:30 G V Tennis @ M Bay
Wed 6-Sep 3:30 G JV Tennis vs M Bay
Wed 6-Sep 3:15 B/G Xcountry @ River Park
Thurs 7-Sep 4:30 FR Football vs Santa Paula
Thurs 7-Sep 3:30 G V Tennis vs SJHS
Thurs 7-Sep 3:30 G JV Tennis @ SJHS
Thurs 7-Sep 4:30 BWPolo vs Nipomo
Thurs 7-Sep 2:00 G Golf @ Cypress Ridge
Thurs 7-Sep 4/5/6 G FR/JV/V Vball @ Mprep
Fri 8-Sep 3:30 G V Tennis @ Cabrillo
Fri 8-Sep 3:30 G JV Tennis vs Cabrillo
Fri-Sat 8-Sep 11:30 B Wpolo PVHS Tourney
Sat 9-Sep 9:00 Xcountry @ M Bay
Sports & Activities
Wednesday, Sept. 6
Lunchtime Music and taking donations for Harvey relief
Thursday, Sept. 7
Lunchtime Music and taking donations for Harvey relief
Friday, Sept. 8
Lunchtime Music and taking donations for Harvey relief
#icanhelp assembly 2-5 periods (FULL)
Girls' JV Tennis Hosts Mission Prep
-Jose Perez

Decades Day Developed
-Alexis Dagar

President Trump recently decided to end the DACA program. A program that ensured approximately 800,000 dreamers to be in the United States without fear of deportation. Please take our survey to express your support of lack of support for this decision. Click on the link to learn more about this very important issue!
How Do You Feel About DACA?
Look for survey results in Friday's issue of the PT's!