Pioneer Valley HS
September 7, 2017
Issue 16, Vol. 3
Panthers Claim Territory in New Seating Area
-Alexis Dagar
Some Panthers may have noticed a change within our campus: the new seating area. Located near the 300's building, this new area is equipped with many tables surrounding a newly planted tree. This could not have been made possible without the help of some organizations on campus.
"What had actually happened is that the student store and the club, Future Business Leaders of America, worked together because the FBLA run the store," explains Ms. Sylvester, advisor of the Student Store.
When profits get high, the money is reinvested towards the school. "We work with Mrs. Herrera to see what the school needs are. In this case we worked with maintenance who picked the location of the [new seating] area." This was their second time being able to contribute to the school in this way. Purchases were made towards the end of last school year and have been coming together since the beginning of this school year. The plus side is that some of the students involved will be able to receive scholarships due to their involvement in the club.

Thurs 7-Sep 4:30 FR Football vs Santa Paula
Thurs 7-Sep 3:30 G V Tennis vs SJHS
Thurs 7-Sep 3:30 G JV Tennis @ SJHS
Thurs 7-Sep 4:30 BWPolo vs Nipomo
Thurs 7-Sep 2:00 G Golf @ Cypress Ridge
Thurs 7-Sep 4/5/6 G FR/JV/V Vball @ Mprep
Fri 8-Sep 3:30 G V Tennis @ Cabrillo
Fri 8-Sep 3:30 G JV Tennis vs Cabrillo
Fri-Sat 8-Sep 11:30 B Wpolo PVHS Tourney
Sat 9-Sep 9:00 Xcountry @ M Bay
Sports & Activities
Wednesday, Sept. 6
Lunchtime Music and taking donations for Harvey relief
Thursday, Sept. 7
Lunchtime Music and taking donations for Harvey relief
Friday, Sept. 8
Lunchtime Music and taking donations for Harvey relief
#icanhelp assembly 2-5 periods (FULL)
-Zander Moreno
tell me all the
memories of a
good woman,
bathe her
worth like
dollar bills bathing
women's bank accounts.
dip her feet into
absinthe extract
and honey comb
wands, bitten
not chewed.
caress her like a
child's long
lost feather found
on the wrong
street at the
wrong time.
speak of her
like a general
speaking of his
wife with tears
in his eyes
because waiting
7 years was completely
worth it.
crack the callouses
under her rough
thumb, soften
the braille like
froth filled mouth
that mumbles
that shakes
like raindrops
in a hurricane,
that compares
tornados to
tsunamis in
her everyday life.
that tremble
like the grains
on her body
from bread parting,
with religious tolerance
quaking inside her
and set her down
a bed of flowers,
just to stare aimlessly
into the abyss that was
once a good memory.
Varsity Volleyball Hosts Lompoc
-David Penaloza

President Trump recently decided to end the DACA program. A program that ensured approximately 800,000 dreamers to be in the United States without fear of deportation. Please take our survey to express your support of lack of support for this decision. Click on the link to learn more about this very important issue!
How Do You Feel About DACA?
Look for survey results in Friday's issue of the PT's!
Theater Opening Soon with "School of Rock"
-Selen Arechiga and Jacklyn Cruz
This is a dream come true for Pioneer Valley High School and the students when they received news that a performing arts building was starting to be constructed. The $10.9 million building is now almost done with 3 class rooms and a theater of 300 seats. Many students are excited to perform the first play in the theater "School of Rock." The new theater will bring more involvement to students to watch a play, even be in a play and many more things like band, drama choir etc.

“I think it took forever to make. It's also a great way for the visual performing arts people to do their shows and concerts. I've been waiting for about 9 months, so I'm kind of not that excited anymore, but it's still a good moment." -Robert Zarate (10)
"I'm super excited about it! We've been waiting, it's been 2 and a half years since we broke ground on it. When we first did the shovel, the first scoop of dirt, and so it's been a long time. They finally took the fences down, so it's like oh my gosh we can finally see it! This is part of the visual performing arts pathway. Having the performing arts center is going to give us an opportunity to do things that will lead into post-high school options. We are hoping that the Performing Arts Center is a place where our students who do performing arts like drama or interest in choir, or band, that they can learn some of the technical aspects of having a facility like that." -Mrs. Hererra
"It's so exciting, it's going to be a huge asset to our school and to all the performing arts groups in our district. At this campus we have many performing arts groups, and we have never really had a viable place to perform since this school opened 13 years ago. We've performed in the cafeteria, outside, in the classroom, at ethyl pope, you know. We've never had a place to perform, and so to give the performing arts groups on this campus a real nice place to perform, it changes everything! It makes a group that just seems sort of okay, and it gives them credibility. It makes you look more professional and even though I'm really proud of our groups, I think our groups do a great job, but when you put them in a cheesy environment, it almost makes them look cheesy. You put them in a beautiful environment, they look better. It would be like the basketball team playing out on the asphalt. Can they play basketball? Sure! Do they look very good doing it? No! It ups your game, what this place does is it ups our game. It makes us able to do more advanced shows, more sophisticated shows to a bigger audience. It changes our lives here, and it changes the life of every student who is in the performing arts arena, no matter what art it is. The dancers, the actors, the singers, the musicians, it gives us a home, and we've never had a home." -Mrs. Vangronigan

"I'm totally excited! I'm excited because it’s the first year and being part of the cast of School of Rock, it’s a huge honor to perform in the theater for the first time ever. I'm looking forward to performing in it, not just for School of Rock, but also for band and for choir. I'm not in choir, but I love to sing and there's a huge chance I might be in it." -Edianna Ysip (10)