Pioneer Valley HS
September 8, 2017
Issue 17, Vol. 3
Panthers Swing Big at Cypress Ridge Mini Tournament
-Andrea Meza

Fri 8-Sep 3:30 G V Tennis @ Cabrillo
Fri 8-Sep 3:30 G JV Tennis vs Cabrillo
Fri-Sat 8-Sep 11:30 B Wpolo PVHS Tourney
Sat 9-Sep 9:00 Xcountry @ M Bay
Sports & Activities
Friday, Sept. 8
Lunchtime Music and taking donations for Harvey relief
#icanhelp assembly 2-5 periods (FULL)
Nipomo Titans Sink Panthers; 2-15
-Jacklyn Cruz & Lizette Ramirez

This past Wednesday the PT’s ran a survey asking our readers if they felt ending the DACA program did more harm than good. The results are in: 90% of respondents said “yes” and 10% said “no.”
To my understanding, many immigrant families come to the United States to give their children a better future. These families have high hopes for their children and want them to succeed in life. They come to the United States, because they don't see their children prospering in their home countries. As of April 18, 2017, the first dreamer protected by DACA was deported. The individual had forgotten their wallet in a friend's car and couldn’t show any proof that they were a dreamer. –Alasaundra Silva
The ending of the DACA program affects me and my parents. As an immigrant it's frightening to know that all these years in the United States might come to an end and that all my dreams may be coming to an end as well. The dreams I had can come to an end just because I was not born in the U.S. I think that there is an unfair hatred towards illegal immigrants. President Trump may not want to realize it but everyone is an immigrant and everyone is equal. - Diana Valenzuela Garcia
More useful Links:
DACA Survey Results in --- Next Survey: Climate Change!
This week's survey revolves around climate change. With the recent hurricanes and extreme weather conditions arising just in the United States alone it's hard to imagine that anyone can deny it. Please take our survey look for survey results in next Friday's issue of the PT's!
–Alasaundra Silva

Prepare Yourself for The End
-Keydi Gracida & Domonic Ponce
Recently, there has been a lot of speculations about the end being near. It all begins with the solar eclipse that happened on August 21. Shortly after that, Hurricane Harvey occurs on the 25th of August, however it started flooding the following day (August 26th). The internet started going wild as soon as someone decided to take those days and refer it to the bible. The verse he found in the bible had many people in disbelief; this is the bible verse:
Luke 21:25-16 “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken."
The world is not done throwing clues at us that maybe JUST maybe our time is near. How do we know this? Well the following bible verses give us clues on what can happen next:
Matthew 24:6 "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come."
Matthew 24:7-8 "There will be famines and earth quakes in various places. All these are beginning of birth pains."
These bible verses all tie into how we are at war with North Korea and the fatal earth quakes in Dallas, Texas.
"I feel the world will end soon. But I'm not really sure when? And of course, there has been LOTS of bogus rumors going around all these years but nothing major has occurred yet." -Marisol Garcia (9)
"I believe that the world will only end when you die because you are no longer going to live in this world. God decides when we live or when we die."
-Salvador Gonzales (11)

"I don't really think the world will end anytime soon because people have been making theories for a long time and none of them actually turn out to be true. But there's a definite possibility the world will come to an end. And I have heard rumors that the world will end, but I don't believe it." -Valeria Ramirez (11)

"The world is not going to end and the Bible thing and all the theories is not true, it's just made up things" -Marcos Garcia (9)

"I do not believe the world is going to end anytime soon, but I have heard rumors from others around me. It's just global warming happening right now and it's never been this bad with storms and fires happening as often than usual" -Nerissa Reyes (11)