Pioneer Valley HS
October 26, 2017
Issue 49, Vol. 3
Thurs 26-Oct 3:00 Xcountry @ SB County Champ (River Park)
Thurs 26-Oct 5:00 FR Football vs Lompoc
Fri 27-Oct 4:00 JV Football @ Santa Ynez
Fri 27-Oct 7:00 V Football @ Santa Ynez
Sports & Activities
Generation Z?
-Jonathan Hedlund
My opinion of the current generation of people is kind of split, I have seen both the good and the bad of the current generation. For example, the bad is how much of us waste most of our time on our cell phones like in class. If you missed my last opinion article, you can read it here: https://panthertales2018.wixsite.com/9-26-17
''Their music sucks, they are always on their phones, they are rude to their fellow peers and teachers. They need to stop calling each other ''Fool'' and ''G,'' it is so annoying. They need to stop listening to that awful music and start respecting parents and teachers.''
-Gabriel Zambrano 12th
''I feel like it's not the best and we should learn how to be more respectful to all.'' -Hailey Sliva 11th

''I think they lack many of the necessary skills to be successful in the real world after high school. For example, being able to communicate in face to face conversation to express themselves. It's been twenty-one years since I graduated high school and I think young adults focus a lot of their attention on social media and their reactions of likes of others to drive their future decisions.'' -Ms.Dias

''I think that today's youth is more focused on growing up than anything else, we aren't but we try our best.''
-Yolanda Sandoval 11th
''I think our youth is getting smarter and learning fast as we grow up.'' -Fernando 11th

''In my opinion I feel like today's youth is bad because we live in a society that is selfish and only wants the attention. All they care about is themselves.''
-Bryan Sanchez 12th

''They need to work on their sense of responsibility, they need to have a strong work ethic and they need to get over their sense of entitlement. Not every student needs to work all of these, or even some of these, but the way I was raised these three qualities were essential to becoming a productive, responsible adult. It has been a very long time since I graduated high school, but I would say that generations' main problem seems to be the same; relative to the changes in our society. One thing I do sometimes worry about is the disconnect that seems to have occurred as a result of technology. People pay more attention to their devices than they do to people.'' -Mrs.Crusan

Who Done It? Panthers' Forensic Team Investigates
The following excerpt was taken from the record of interrogation of Mr. Enns:
What were the preparations like with the whole “crime scene”?
Plenty of evidence in certain spots and fingerprints, I also placed some stuff to try to get [students] to profile the person, like magazines and etc. I also put big blood splatter on the trunk.
How did the students do in your opinion?
They did a great job for their first time, it’s like every time you do something the first time. It is not going to be the best but they did really well.
Overall, how was the experience and would you ever do this again?
It was great, I would absolutely do it again but with more things to try out. I had a blast with the students and I’m sure they liked it too. Just the fact that we were able to set up an actual car with “evidence” was a fun experience and preparation.

-Jose Perez and Nalley Gonzalez

PAC at PV Opens for Viewing to Public and Community Leaders

Theatrical dreams for PVHS students and the community have come true with today's opening of the Performing Arts Center. The new theater was open from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. SMJUHSD staff, students, elected officials, educational leaders from throughout the valley and the public will participate.
“We are so excited to have the PAC at Pioneer Valley,’’ said Principal Shanda Herrera. “It truly represents a career pathway for students. They will have the opportunity to perform, learn set design and creation, or learn the light and sound training of a production. It has been a long wait, and we are thrilled to share it with community!’’
“This Performing Arts Center represents another step in the right direction for the students in our district,’’ said Superintendent Dr. Mark Richardson. “Having viable elective programs with 21st Century facilities is key to student success.’’
Panthers Pledge their Support of LGBTQ
-Alasaundra Silva
GSA's new adviser Ms. Maldonado organized yesterday's rally that encouraged students to take a pledge supporting the LGBT community. There were students and staff alike who came out and signed the banner supporting the cause. GSA is a safe place for students to express themselves freely without judgement.

Q: Why do you support the LGBT community? Why do you feel it's important to have a GSA on campus?
A: "Because I consider myself a part of them. It's a nice thing because we believe positivity and happiness. [Having a GSA] is cool because it shows that what you like, although some may have a negative view of it, it's okay and normal."
Q: Why do you feel it's important to raise awareness for the LGBT community?
A: People in the LGBT community have been marginalized and victimized for decades. They're people just like you and everyone else. We need to be treated with respect. I think that the rest of the students of Pioneer Valley need to see that the LGBTQ kids are confident enough and have enough self-respect to be out and say how they are.
Q: Why do you feel it's important to have a GSA on campus?
A: "Personally, I think having a LGBT club on campus is to give people who are scared to show their true colors a safe place. We're here to show that we support and respect them."
Q: Why do you think it's important for the school to have a LGBT oriented club? Why did you decide to take the pledge?
A: I think it's important for the school to have a club like GSA because it can help many people who are unsure or maybe scared of what they might be. I signed it because I support it. I think people should know about the cause.
Q: Why did you choose to sign the pledge?
A: I believe in the equality of everybody and I think everyone should be treated equally regardless of them being lesbian, bisexual, gay or whatever it is that they are.
GSA club with advisor Ms. Maldonado, meetings are Wednesdays in rm 214